"I'm happy it wasn't sharper" I say softly in almost a whisper

"excuse me?" kellin asks and I look up at him.

"I'm happy it wasn't sharp enough to kill you" he gives me a look of hurt.

"you are happy I'm suffering?" he asks and I shake my head "no kellin, that's not what I meant, kells, I think you are very attractive and I want to get to know you" I can't believe I just said that out loud.


I'm speechless, mr. I don't belong here told me I was attractive, I just pulled the rude card and the scary card and he is sitting here thinking about how attractive I apparently am. I just showed him my cuts, the art on my arms, and he isn't laughing at me, he isn't calling me names, well he called me kells which is kinda cute... but he isn't disgusted at me, he doesn't seem that jumpy around me, he wants me alive, this is too good to be true, what if he's lying to me? can I really trust this guy,what if he leaves me like oli did, Vic doesn't belong here anyways and over time theses idiots that work here will realize he doesn't belong and let him leave, leaving me behind. I can't open up to much to him,and I hope he is okay with that, but I don't know if I can open up to him at all, he knows my name, he knows I don't like life, and that's all he might ever know, there is no way I'll be able to tell him everything. ever.


I sit there uncomfortably waiting for kellin to respond, he seemed to block me off again and I can't have that,its too early in the day for that, I'm not giving up that easily this time. I just told him he was attractive which was a bold move maybe I shouldn't have taken. after a long silence I finally see kellin open his mouth.

"you think I'm, attractive?" he asks and I nod "you mean that?" he asks and I smile

"I wouldn't say something if it wasn't true"

I see a small blush come over kellin and he looks so cute when he is blushing

"I'm not cute" he says,oh shit I said that out loud. kellin laughs a little "all I heard was 'kellin looks so cute when he is blushing' and 'oh shit I said that out loud' Vic I don't think your mind is being nice to you today,your thoughts are coming out" he says still clearly blushing.

"ya I guess I just get distracted when someone as cute as you is close to me,and yes Kellin you are cute"

my flirting skills aren't that bad, right? I mean I haven't flirted with someone in, well ever. I don't like talking to many people because well I don't need to hear what they have to say, I don't need to get into that gossip, I don't need fake friends, but that's school,here is different, yes they can judge me here,but well everyone here seems to have problems, we are all the same, I might not belong, but I can't say I don't fit in.

"Whatever you want to think" kellin says and he makes eye contact with me,hes turning soft on me, I can see how shy he is getting. I smile at him and he smiles back, not that big creepy overly happy smile from earlier but here you have kellin smiling.

"I never really got to completely introduce myself but, I'm victor fuentes, and like you know I don't really have a reason for being here, but my mom pushed me in here and so here I am" I say putting my hand out

"I'm kellin Quinn,you know my nickname and how I got it, my parents never cared for me so I have no idea why they would help, they are a bunch of bitc- liars who want to keep a clean title and don't want me bringing them down" he says as he shakes my hand.

"I remember when you first kinda talked to me, you said I had a awesome name, but how?" he adds

"well to be completely honest with you, I've never met someone with that name so I think it's different in a good way, just like you kellin" victor fuentes I think you've got this sweet talking down!

"in a bad way,im different in a bad way, vic, you don't know me"

"but I want to"


"I really do"

"did you read the cooking magazine like I told you to? do you remember what we talked about yesterday?" I knew he would block me off again at some point.

"couldn't find one" I lie, I never looked.

"jack must have had it" kellin shrugs

"I might not talk much but I see the way he looks at food" he adds making me laugh a little

"you think he's In love?" I ask and kellin laughs

"he must be" and in this moment, I feel my heart about to jump out of my chest, kellin Quinn is giving me butterflies, the cute boy with scars is making me fall in love with his perfect hair, how mysterious and reserved he seems to be,his real and fake smile,his blue green grey eyes,his eyes are just many shades and I could get lost in them, he's making me slowly fall in love with him and everything about him, and I'm making a goal for myself, I will not lose him, I'm going to do whatever I can to keep this boy alive,and maybe,just maybe, kellin Quinn will feel the same way about me.

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