Chapter Two

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I am Angela Brown. I loved to read everything that came my way, I could even boast that I had finished the Bible.

"We are moving to the house in three days." Father announced. I smiled forcefully to meet my mother's enthusiasm.

The house was in an estate in the busy side of the city. The school was close though. It was funny because in about a year and a half I'll be moving away for college, so it wouldn't matter. I heaved a sigh.

"Why are you so jumpy?" A familiar deep voice said. I stood still and rolled my eyes. When I felt him coming closer, I turned and hugged him.

"Luke you're back!" I hugged my brother tightly.

"It's okay or I choke to death." He winced and I let go off him.

He had grown so big. He attended college in another state and was not part of our constant move wince then- I envied him for that. I hadn't seen him for like a year.

We talked about random things, just to pass time. Mother called from downstairs. It was time for dinner. She cooked his favourite for him. Lucky fowl.

After dinner, we watched some of his favourite shows. I knew I was only allowed because he was there. He had confessed he only came back because most things were free when he was with my parents. I retired to bed a later than normal, but not late at all for the weekend.

Luke was leaving soon, after two days. We decided to skate at a rink for the afternoon. I reached outside before Luke and stood there waiting patiently.

Across the street was a group of boys I recognized from school. It was actually Andrew and his friends. I ran back into the house I bumped into Luke.

"Where are you off to?"

"Nowhere" I said in hurry.

"I'm sure you were cursing me out for wasting time. Now you are going inside? Angela, what are you hiding?"

I let out a sigh. "Some guys from my school are outside"

He had a stupid smile on his face. "So you're shy."

I felt like slapping him."No that's not it. It's just that roller skating might contradict my image at school."


That was what was he chose to ask of all things in the world.

"Yeah". He tapped my shoulder, so I could see his face.

"I'm staying till Tuesday, make good use of it. Oh, we are going out after school Monday. I don't care if your academic record is on the line." He said playfully.

I'm sure he'll pester me about it later.


went to school trying to avoid any of his shenanigans.
I hurry to my class. I got a familiar stare from Beatrice. I sighed and went to my seat. The English teacher entered just in time to stop anything that might had happened. We were given an essay to write about our opinion of the current literature they were studying. That occupied most of our time and forty minutes went fast. I had to get a copy of the literature from the library for an assignment. I hurried to my interpretative dance class.

"Sorry, I'm late." I said as I entered the classroom.

"There is no need to be." I looked to the back of the class where the answer came.

I saw no other than Andrew and his friends.

"Where is the teacher?" I asked.

"He is sick and the substitute is away on a seminar." I sat on a desk by the door. I started on the assignment.

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