"Thanks." I told him, sighing. "Wasn't sure how I was going to get out of that one."

"It's no problem. The fallen are concerned about keeping the secret too, you know. Unlike the angels we don't have a place of refuge if we're discovered."

I nodded, that made sense. Once inside, I saw Jackson behind the till, looking over at us with suspicion.

"Jackson." I greeted as I walked up to him.

"Who's this?" He asked, frowning at Andrew. Andrew stared back calmly, not speaking.

"Oh, he's just a friend." I explained. "I just came to apologise in person for my, um, disappearance. My mother and myself had to go help out my great aunt, her husband just died and er, they have a farm, so she needed some help selling it and stuff. We didn't have signal and it was really short notice, so I couldn't call."

He nodded stiffly, folding his arms across his chest. "Will you be returning to your position?"

"Yes... If I can." I nodded. "I'm going to be going back and forth for a little while, but it shouldn't interfere with my shifts."

"Alright. I want advance notice next time though, alright? It's been a nightmare trying to get someone to cover your shifts."

I nodded. "Of course, thanks. I'll see you tomorrow then?"

He nodded in response, going back to whatever, it was he was doing on the till.

As I left, with Andrew beside me still, Charlie stopped me. "Emilia... I'm sorry for trying to force you into telling me. I thought about what you said... and I realise that maybe you can't tell me the truth, and that's okay. Besides, it's your business, and I should respect that."

"Thank you, Charlie." I told him, still feeling slightly uncomfortable, although he did seem genuine – his shoulders were drooped like he was feeling guilty.

"Also... I remembered that you never actually answered my date proposal.' He straightened up as he said this, his eyes wide and hopeful. I was surprised that he was asking me now, with Andrew by my side, stood protectively close.

"I'm sorry Charlie... I'm really just not in the right place to be dating right now." He drooped again, seeming downtrodden. "But um, maybe someday?"

At that he perked up, seeming to accept my answer. "I'll hold you to that."

"Right." I looked away. "Bye Charlie. Goodbye Andrew... I need to get back to my mum. I'll um, see you both around."

Andrew nodded, "I'll see you later." He left, disappearing into the woods behind the car park.

"Emilia?" Charlie asked, I turned to look at him. "He's... like Noah, right?"

I stared at him for a moment, without speaking. Biting my lip, I just wasn't sure what to tell him. "I'll see you tomorrow." He nodded, seemingly accepting my silence as an answer.

Back home, I arrived just as my mother was leaving. I had to hold back the urge to stop her – she was sane now, she was capable of going out on her own. "Where are you heading?" I asked.

"I've been out job hunting." She told me proudly. "I've got an interview lined up tomorrow to be a librarian, so I'm off into town to find some smart clothes to wear for it."

"Oh, alright. Just give me a second and I'll go get my bag to come with you!"

She placed her hand on my arm, stopping me. "I'll be okay on my own, Emilia. You don't need to worry about me anymore."

"Okay." I agreed, frowning. "Call me if anything happens though."

She nodded. "I will. But first... can I ask you something... about the angels?"

"Um..." I froze for a moment, but she already knew far too much... a little more couldn't hurt. "Sure."

"Acacius... is he alive?" She asked.

I nodded hesitantly.

"And... you've met him?"

"Yes." I whispered, not sure where this was going.

She nodded. "I'm glad. Do you... think he'd want to see me?"

"More than anything." I promised her. "But... I'm not sure that that's possible."

I wasn't sure if I should tell her that Acacius was locked up... perhaps it would be better for her if she thought that wherever he was, he was happy.

That's all he wanted for her, after all.


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