AM/FM (chapter 1)

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Everyone saw the car that belonged to the beautiful Carrie roll up, so they went to the gate in masses. The first person they saw was Sebastian who had golden skin, blonde hair, and clear ocean blue eyes. As he and Carrie entered school people admired the girl's porcelain white skin, crisp and curled golden hair, dazzling blue eyes, and ruby red lips. The pair walked off to the library, as the students had to pick up a book and go home, not able to attend the flooded school.

Two delinquents entered after them, Wendy and Dawson, people backed away from pure disgust or pure fear, maybe even a mix of the two. Wendy slouched a little more and put her best glare on, her peach skin turned white from the cold, the only color on it was a dangerous red coating her sharp cheekbones and nose tip, which chilled the crowd to their bones. Her brown eyes, looking black and malicious, with her greasy black hair that hung in her face, scared people even more. Not daring to get near the girl in all black they backed up, till they hit the wall and started to pile.

Dawson, just to spook them, launched forward and swiped at them with his oddly long nails. He walked with his back straight, his dark purple mohawk flew about in the harsh winds, black jean jacket protecting him from the chilly weather. Unlike the leather jacket that was tied around Wendy's waist, his only had the raven picking up the snake, and not all the pins she had.

The two had matching black tank tops, she had black denim jeans while he had dark blue ones. You couldn't hear the footsteps they took in their all-black boots, the girls were new while the boys were scratched up and mud-caked. A great contrast to the essential royals that were also in the library, Carrie wearing baby blue rain boots that matched her baby blue jeans and a white and pink striped long sleeves, her sleeves covered by a thin light gray sweater. And her hair was capped to her head by a white beanie with elegant, black words saying princess. Sebastian had thick black boots on that was covered slightly by his denim jeans, a normal blue though, and keeping the jeans in place was a nice brown leather belt. His shirt was a nice light gray covered up by his black jacket, the inside had a fluffy, steel gray inside. His hair held the raindrops like they were crystals, unlike the tear looking drops caught in Wendy's hair.

They both walked here, unlike Carrie (who was driven here by her lovely mother) or Dawson (who was driven here by his neighbor), the two had walked to school and enjoyed the rain that stopped after Carrie opened her door. The two, Wendy and Sebastian that is, reached the library assistant, Shawn, and asked where Percy Jackson and the Olympians were. They made eye contact, Wendy wanted to reread her favorite book series and Sebastian wanted to start the series. They let themselves be lead by the plain boy, who was wearing sweats and a beanie covered his plain brown hair, his brown eyes were searching the shelves are of the "Best Reads And Series" section placed in the center of the library's second floor.

They grabbed the first book and Wendy waltzed around, looking for a different book, so Sebastian grabbed the first book of The Kane Chronicles; The Red Pyramid and left the second floor.

Wendy waltzed around until she found End Games, a red cover with black figures, the only color being the backs of two kid's jackets and beenies. She smiled, remembering how wonderful that book was, and her eyes settled on a book farther away, it was the last one on the shelf a huge grabber. The Brimstone Network, the title read, she thought it looked cool enough and the story sounded chill, so she grabbed it and went to check it out.

Carrie had gracefully walked up the stairs, her flowing golden locks bouncing as she stepped. She stopped when she came upon the fairy tale section and waltzed in. With each step, the girl looked more and more annoyed that her prince wasn't by her side, but she only showed it through a gentle smile pressed a bit to thin. Eventually, Carrie had found the gigantic book containing 200 fairy tales.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2019 ⏰

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