Hoia Baciu Forest

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The Hoia Baciu Forest is located near Cluj-Napoca, Romania and is locally referred to as The Bermuda Triangle of Romania. It is the world's most haunted forest. Hoia Baciu Forest covers an area of over 250 hectares and has a reputation for intense paranormal activity and unexplained events.

 Hoia Baciu Forest covers an area of over 250 hectares and has a reputation for intense paranormal activity and unexplained events

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It is becoming famous in 1968 after a photo of a UFO by Emil Barnea was published. After that, there is a publication of research undertaken here by biologist Alexandru Sift. The last reported UFO was filmed over Baciu Forest in 2002 by two Cluj residents who lived on the top floor of a building on the outskirts of the neighborhood Manastur. The UFO's were caught on film for 27 seconds and were described as an evolution of a bright object in the sky that was shaped like a cigarette and a length of about 50 meters. The UFO rose and went across the sky until it went into a mass of clouds and disappeared.

The forest was named after a shepherd that disappeared in the area with a flock of two hundred sheep. Most people who live near the forest are afraid to enter it due to the stories and legends that have been handed down. They believe that those who visit the site will never return back home. Many of the locals who have been brave enough to venture into the forest complained of physical harm, including rashes, nausea, vomiting, migraines, burns, scratches, anxiety and other unusual sensations.

 Many of the locals who have been brave enough to venture into the forest complained of physical harm, including rashes, nausea, vomiting, migraines, burns, scratches, anxiety and other unusual sensations

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People who have entered the forest to this day get inexplicable rashes or they begin to feel very light headed and ill. Moreover, the electronic devices are known to malfunction when introduced into the area. Some paranormal investigators have associated these strange malfunctions with supernatural activity. The most common phenomena include the sudden appearance of mysterious orbs of light. People also report hearing disembodied female voices breaking the heavy silence, giggling and even apparitions. There are many cases of people reportedly being scratched with no reasonable explanation. One of the most interesting paranormal phenomena encountered in Baciu Forest is the by far the appearance in some photos of some so-called "Guardian Angels". These entities are normally invisible tot he naked eye but can be captured by the camera and the shape of a human figure.

 These entities are normally invisible tot he naked eye but can be captured by the camera and the shape of a human figure

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Some people believe that the forest is a gateway to another dimension or what we called "portal". People have been known to disappear, strange lights have been seen, the wind seems to speak. One such story focuses on a 5-year-old girl who wandered into the woods and got lost. The story goes that she emerged from the forest 5 years later, wearing the same untarnished clothes that she wore on the day she disappeared with no memory of where had happened in that interval of time.

 The story goes that she emerged from the forest 5 years later, wearing the same untarnished clothes that she wore on the day she disappeared with no memory of where had happened in that interval of time

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This paranormal activity seems to be focused on an inexplicable clearing in the forest that is a vegetation dead zone. It is nearly a perfect circle in the woods where nothing ever grows. Soil samples have been taken from the site and analyzed but the results show that there is nothing in the soil that should prevent the growth of plant life. Locals believe that it is a hub for this paranormal act. They consider this circular plateau deep in the forest to be the "home" of these ghosts.

There are also countless legends and stories about contact with entities outside our known world occurring here every year. We cannot say for certain if any of this is true or not, if you are brave enough, visit Hoia Baciu Forest to discover for yourself.

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