Could have killed you.

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Victor woke up in a fit of frustration. He threw the black bedsheets to the floor, huffing at his stupidity before stomping into his kitchen.

He had barely slept that night, he knew it was all her fault. He poured himself a fresh coffee and took one of the muffins from the counter top and slouched into his sofa.

Why did she have to look at him like that? Everyone else would hide, cry and scream in his presence. Her, she shouted at him, came to his home and then showed him a compassion he had never had. The way she held his arm and traced his scars as though she would never be able to hate them.
He ate his muffin allowing the cool sweet blueberry taste to envelope him. Victor at heart was a soft touch. He loved all things sweet, his three cats were his pride and joy. He, though he would never admit it, even knitted jumpers for each of them at christmas and would give them all a special dinner.

He sighed after his coffee cup emptied, knowing he would have to get ready for another day on the job.

He loved his job, sometimes he just wished it came with a companion. His Zsaszette's weren't quite as friendly as they looked. Most of the time he was alone.

A buzz of his phone pulled him back to reality.

"Zsasz come in, the boss has a job." The cold voice was one of Falcones men, he knew that he ought to hurry up.

So with a quick shower, a pile of clean leathers and another quick coffee, Victor had began his walk to see Falcone.

The moment he walked into the mansion he knew something was strange. Falcones men, who usually moved away for Victor too pass, had stared at him.

He was ushered in to talk to the boss himself, Victor wasn't made nervous, ever, so he just waltzed in as though everything was normal.

"Zsasz thankyou for coming." The old mans voice greeted Victor as he shut the door behind him, approaching the desk.

"Anytime boss." He nodded his head in a way of respect.

"I want you to watch the GCPD for me, Jim Gordan is becoming a bit of an issue. Try not to kill anyone yet."

"Do I need to look for anything in particular?" He tried to keep his voice as uninterested as possible but Falcone knew he was ingrigued by Gordan.

"No, just watch him. Keep an eye on that Bullock too. Push in if you think they are conspiring." The old mans words were clear. Victor nodded and left the room imidiately, grabbing his phone and requesting the Zsaszette's meet him out side the GCPD.

By the time he got there his ladies had already set up waiting for him.

They camped in a building waiting for any signs that Gordan was looking into the underworld. By three pm there had been no sign.

The only thing the police seemed interested in was finding the 'balloon man' as everyone was calling him.

By four Victor had called Falcone. He explained that the cops were too interested in another case for him to get any information. He was dismissed to go about his day, he would recieve a call in the following days.

For once Victor was releaved to be going hom early. His mind wouldn't come away from Cara for long, he knew that if he wanted her out of his head that he would have to see her again.

He waited at home until the time was nearing six. He knew the pop up clinic would remain there for a few days so chose to hang around the same alley until he saw her.

He had stuffed some cash into an envelope for her earlier, after all he had not paid her for helping him. He wondered if that was why he was thinking so much of her.

The distant humming and clicking of heels drew his attention. He peeked around the corner seeing his target approach.

With a quick grab he covered her mouth and pulled her into the darkness of the alley.

Cara in her panic bit his hand, she turned and with all her force punched the man in the face.

Only now she noticed the bald head, dark eyes and sinister smirk.


"God damn it! What are you doing? I could have killed you." She spat lowering the knife she had pulled out from somewhere, impressing Victor.

Victor laughed at the fiesty woman before holding out the envelope.

"You couldn't kill me, Gotham's finest have tried and failed." He mocked as she looked inside the envelope.

"Take it back. I'm not some whore you can.." Victor frowned, reaching an arm out snaking it around her waist before pushing her against the wall.

"Its for fixing me. Also, I know you would come to me, of your own free will." He whispered the last part as she stared into his eyes. Her breathing hitched while she brought her hand up onto his chest.

Cara wasn't sure what had made her mind turn to mush but the thing she did next shocked her to the core. She pulled her free hand to the back of Victors neck, tugging him down into a rough kiss. The tingles of fire errupted again as he held her that little bit tighter.

Victor's head was spinning for a moment, caught off guard by the woman he was trying to let go. Instead he held her tight, amazed that she had kissed him first. The kiss deepened, her fingers digging lightly into his skin.

He thought about pulling away, about leaving her here alone. Even about killing her before things escalated.

Yet he moved back and whispered into her ear.

"I'll pick you up after work. You and I have buisness to get too."

With that he walked away and disappeared into the darkness, leaving Cara to think of the leather clad hitman she was undeniably attracted too.

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