
"But we can start trying for that baby boy right now." He said pulling my body on top of his.

"I bet you would baby" I said while kissing his neck "but we cant because you said you were going to take me shopping, so lets go." I said hopping off him and running into the bathroom laughing.

"So what about this shirt?" I asked Jacon for the must be thousand of time. He groaned.

"Its the same like I said the others I'd rather see you with it off." He said smirking. I threw the shirt at his face.

"You are no help at all." I pouted.

"Well baby shopping has never been my forte , so grab what ever you want and lets go check out so I can go eat something." He kissed my cheek.

"Alright let me just pick the ones that you actually really helped with and we can go feed your face." I went through the clothes and then walked out to the counter waiting for my turn. Jaceon came over and walked infront of the whole line. I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Jaceon you don't skip lines." I said embarrased that he did that.

"Come on baby im sure these ladies dont mind...do you?" He said looking at them all . They all nodded there heads no. What in the freaking hell is going on . He is not that unmistakenly beautiful that they're really gonna let us skip.

"Baby come on." Shoot if they dont care then im going to go. I mean they must not care that we are skipping but oh well.

"You better think you are the hottest thing out." I said to Jaceon with a small smile on my face.I put my clothers on the countr so that the ladie could scan my clothes but it seemed like she was to busy staring at my man !

"Hey! He is mine so you can stop staring." I said jealously. She blushed in embarresment.

"Baby its .." Jaceon started but I snapped at him with a quick 'shut up', I grabbed my bags from the lady and grabbed Jaceon by his arm while glaring at all the little thirsty ladies at the store.

"Baby your so cute when you jealous, but you know your the only one I want." He said bending down to kiss me on the lips which I returned .

"Oh believe me I know , but they dont know that." I said kissing him again."But anyways on a better note lets go get something to eat."I smiled.

"What do you want to eat."He asked while walking and holding my hand.

"Chinese...sorry I couldnt resist . But it doesnt matter to me Im sure I can find some thing were ever we go."

"Well they do have soul food here."

"Really I could cook you that at home but I would love to see how they cook it here." He nodded and we began are adventure.


Once seated at the resturant I began to wonder if I would ever go back to the states.Even though I dont have much family I did have friends that I truly cared for and cared the same for me. Plus I miss the old American soil.

"Jaceon can I ask you a question with out you getting defensive?" He looked at me calculatingly.

"Sure." He demeanor changed instantly.

"Do you think that ..we could..ever possible--"

"Just spit it out India." He said roughly.

"Do you think we could ever go back to the states again?"


"What, why not?"

"Our home is here this is where we will live for the rest of our lives." He said dominately.

"What about for a visit." I asked starting to get emotional.

"No, why should we do that ? So that you can finally excape me." He said defensively,

:"Jaceon I said that I love you and I meant it. For you to sit here and think that I would leave you makes me think that you dont trust or believe me." A tear broke from my eyes.

"We need more time ..its to risky to go back to the states. I dont want to hear anything about this again. Do you understand?' He asked. I turned my head away from him.


"No".I looked up to meet his eyes. All I could see was disappointment.

"What do you mean no , I am your --"

"You are my Alpha and my mate, and for you not to trust your own mate is disheartening. I think maybe we should go home." I said whipping my face of the unshed tears.We both raised out of the chair after the bill was paid.


I walked into the kitchen taking out the tub of ice cream I bought myself when we went grocery shopping yesterday. I went and laid in the couch while watching a scary movie.Maybe I should of waited to bring up the whole going back to America thing.We had just gotten on good terms with each other and I dont want to mess that up. But I cant help to miss my old life although it wasnt that great it was mines.

I'm happy to start this new life with someone who loves whether he doesnt truly feel that I feel the same.

I guess well see how this goes.



A Dragons Heart is not to Be Played with.(Revised /on hold)Where stories live. Discover now