the strangest

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   I dont know how I got here, but I was on a road. A dirt road that i couldn't see the end to or the beginning.  What the!! Where the hell am I.  One minute I was laying down in my bed and the next,,, ooooh I must be dreaming, but this isn't like my normal dreams I'm used to. No not at all. I dont feel like prey, I'm not freighted and I'm not running from anything. But I feel like I'm searching or have to surch for mmmm something but I just dont know what it is.

    I stood there for a few minutes and started to have a feeling that i just needed to start walking. So yep i began to walk, where ever I end up I hope I get some answers because well have you ever just had a feeling like you know something is bad or someone,  or something makes you uneasy? Ya well I get that alot, always have. I even had it the night mom and dad had their accident.

     It felt like I've been walking forever, for Pete's sake when will I find what I am supposed to be looking for and just about then I see this hillside with a rocky road or trail going up it. Yep this must be the place not quite sure what it is so I better get going. I started walking up the rocky trail when I see an archway at the top it had something written in it and as I began to get a little closer I could read what it said " Garland Cemetery " what the hell!! Why on earth did I feel safe in in a flippin cemetery!!

     Cemeteries are just to creepy and I honestly don't like them. But this was different I mean it's beautiful so many flowers growing everywhere. I was in awe looking around the grounds. In the center of the cemetery was a white little church building,  it looked very old and well I came this far and the church was peeking my interest.  It was small, white and you could see the paint chipping away on the boards on the outside there were three windows on each side of the building and a double door in front.

   As I began to open the door it creaked so loud,  "shhhhh" I said outloud and the started giggling.  Okay now I'm talking to doors  geese! Oh! I'm so sorry sir I really didn't know anyone was here. There in the front of the little church house was a much older man sitting in the first phew. As he started to turn his head to look over his shoulder at me I could tell his skin was weathered and he had very dark eyes. " come here my child let me see you, my eyes aren't what they used to be." I really do t want to bother you I honestly didn't know anyone was here. As I was blubbering out my apologies he started to smile at me and his face lit up, I could see in the kindness through his eyes.

    Oh my little bird, you look just like your mother. He said when I got close enough, and I froze mid step. What? You knew my mom? Who are you? Little bird I'm your great grandfather.

   Just about when I was fixing to open my mouth I hear aunt Shannon yelling " Lauren dear wake up wake up! It's time to start getting ready." Ready for what I cried out and rolled back over hugging my so soft pillow.  We have to go the funeral home to make final arrangements. Honey if it's to much I. No, I will be ready in just a minute.

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