At this moment | Day 8

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It's been a week by now that Taehyung had noticed that change in his group mates' behaviour. They weren't that joyful anymore around him and answered only briefly when he talked. More like, when he tried to talk. It went to quiet mumbling to himself within a few days. Only Jimin talked to him, as in he also talked to him when they were alone. Otherwise it was those group conversations when they ate together, discussed plans and schedules or other stories like things they've seen on the internet.

Not to mention it wasn't a single case that they went out without him the other night they went to the cinema. No, they've already done it before but Taehyung just didn't found out. And Jin hadn't planned to cook Japchae, he came up with it when Jimin recieved Taehyung's text asking where they had been.

How Taehyung knew? Jimin misspoke when he had apologized again to Taehyung.

"Are you still mad?", Jimin quietly asked and tilted his head since Taehyung would not look at him. He then just sighed heavily and lifted his head to turn it even further away from Jimin.

"Really? Taehyung-ah, please don't be mad at hyungs. We didn't mean for you to feel excluded...", what Taehyung didn't know - as well as Jimin wouldn't want to admit - that it was a lie.


They didn't mean for him to find out they excluded him, could be formed into he shouldn't feel so. There were discussions and Jimin nearly fought with Yoongi about why they should or should not go to the show that played two and a half hours later, he could have called Taehyung home and they would have had enough time. But Yoongi was straight up for their first suggestion and Jungkook, the weird ass maknae he'd become over the last few weeks totally agreed without hesitation.

"Come on, it's not even like it's the first t--", Jimin started again but immediately interupted himself with a gasp after he noticed his mistake when Taehyung had spun around with his eyes wide in shock so fast Jimin jumped back a little.

He furrowed his eyebrows in disbelief and his lips went dry. He couldn't comprehend what just happened. No words in his head were there to express what he felt like. But luckily, he had this little voice that had an answer for everything.

See, that's what I'm telling you the whole time. But you wouldn't listen!

You're just annoying the hell out of them. They meet up without you, that's how much they already dislike you.

You should ask him what else he's hiding from you. Ask him and find out what kind of a best friend you have.

Actually you can't blame him. Not at all. Jimin and the rest of them are such nice and loving folks, it's not their fault to feel the need to have some free time without you.

They work so hard, they deserved a break.

But you alway butt in and never think about them. Why would they invite you to do things and have fun if they could get even more from it?

At least you could ask him if it was worth it...

"Y-you... what? It's not like the first what? The first time you went out without me?", again those damn tears, "Behind my back?", and the warmth of anger flooding his whole body, "Without me knowing", his cheeks grew red, "That you rather spend time with anyone else in this group", his voice deep and raspy and shaky, "But me?"

Jimin didn't know how to respond nor to react at all. He opened his mouth a little again and agin but couldn't bring out one word.

"How? Why? How many times already?", the first tear rolled over Taehyung's cheek. "Why wouldn't you say something?", he sniffed and tried to stay calm - as calm as he could be.

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