Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"Thanks for taking me home, Sohei," I thanked to Sohei with a bow to him after I got out of the car. We are not far from my grandparents' house, it would only take a few steps and I would be there. He smiles at me and says, "You don't have to say thank you, I have to thank you, thank you." I don't know that he mean. I looked at him confused and asked "Why are you thanking me, I haven't done anything special." He glanced at his watch for a moment and then looked up at me again and replied, "Thanks to you, Yuki will be able to smile again. She was sometimes startled in the middle of the night from a nightmare and had not slept afterwards because she was always worried about her little brother." He sat in his car, lowered the passenger window and called out "I have to go, we'll see each other again. Bye. "Immediately afterwards, he drove off, quickly I called him also a" goodbye "back.

I hope he heard me

Shaking my head, I turned in the other direction and marched towards my grandparents' house. I put my hands in my pocket and began to hum happily. Everyone around me could certainly see my good mood, which I literally spray. A cold wind made me shiver briefly, but it didn't spoil my mood. At the house I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open the door for me. Footsteps were heard, the door opened. My surprised-looking grandmother looked at me blinking. Confused, she knitted her eyebrows and asked "I thought you would not be back in a few days. Didn't you want to spend the whole week with your friend?" She opened the door a bit, so I could enter. Before I went into the house, I looked out one last time and then follow after my grandmother in the living room.

There, I sat down next to my grandfather, who made himself comfortable on the sofa and watched TV. Grandmother sat down next to him. Both looked at me. I sat opposite of them and looked at them and began to explain "I came here earlier than assumed, because something bad came in between ... Ame was shot in the forest by a hunter." "WHAT? He has been shot? I hope nothing happened to you!" My grandmother interrupted with a short cry. She stormed towards me and scan me everywhere with her eyes.

"G-grandma, nothing happened to me, don't worry about me" I tried to calm her down and pulled her hands away from me. "Calm down, darling. You've heard nothing happened to her, please sit down" my grandfather said, suddenly standing behind my grandmother. He laid a hand on her shoulder. I looked at him thankfully, he returned it with a smile and made my grandmother sit down. "What did you do?" my grandfather asked me. I began to talk about Ame and my wonderful time, and I told them how it came to this situation that Ame was shot by this bad man.

Neither of us noticed the sun went down. After yawning every time we watched TV together, my grandfather get annoyed and sent me to my room. Without a word I went in my room and threw my back on my bed. Once again I yawned heartily and rubbed my (E/C) eyes and then closed it. The memories of the last day played back in my head, but the thoughts were always hanging on Ame. I just couldn't stop thinking about him. His brown eyes are like amber. Or his blue coat, rocking with the beat of the wind ... You're doing it again, (Y/N))! I'm in love, but you can't do anything about it and I don't want to do anything about it.

My eyes grew heavier until I finally fell asleep. I dreamed about Ame and me. e ran happily through the woods into our wolf form, touching our snouts again and again, a kiss.

"Get up, (Y/N)", tried someone to wake me from my beautiful dream. I open my eyes annoyed and look at my grandmother angry. Grandmother laugh about my face and said a beautiful smile. "You still have your clothes from yesterday." I jumped out of bed and stormed next to Grandmother, because I want get in the bathroom. There I examined myself from top to bottom and gave my grandmother in mind right. In fact, I still had my clothes from yesterday on. From the fact that it is not as clean as on the first day. I laugh about my stupidity and leave the room and tap in my room. Then I searched in the suitcase and got me something clean to change. It did not take long to choose. I get out a blue shirt with a wolf motif, black short and fresh underwear. Again I ran to the bathroom and get myself in the shower. I closed my eyes and let the warm wet run over my body.

I rubbed humming shampoo with strawberry task in my hair and used mango shower gel, finally I rinsed off and got out of the shower. With a towel from the shelf, I dried myself and put on my clothes. Satisfied, I went to the kitchen and sat at my usual place, where my grandparents were already waiting for me. "Good morning," I greeted her smiling and began to eat what my grandparents had already prepared for the breakfast. "Good morning," they greeted me with a smile as well. We began to eat silent our breakfast and enjoyed the heavenly peace together. It was not long before Grandfather began to speak. "We will get colors for the wall for your room today. We'll build your furniture until the next day because the paint has to dry before we can build everything."

I nodded in agreement and kept chewing my rice ball. "You know we have to go by train?" said Grandmother, getting up from the table and putting the dishes in the sink.

After we went by train to the next largest city. In the city we looked for the store and found it with help of a friendly person. We thanked him politely and said goodbye. In the store we went to the colors, there was a large number of different colors, from white to black. Of course I choose my favorite color. After spending hours in the bustling city, we had to go back, so we made our way back. On the train I sat next to a girl who looked out the window and didn't pay any attention to me. Suddenly she turned around and looked straight into my eyes. I would recognize this person with long blond hair and bright blue eyes everywhere. She grinned at me and said "Nice to see you again, (Y/N). Or should I rather say freak?"

"Amanda! "I growled.

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