Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

During the drive I told Yuki and her boyfriend how Ame and I got to know each other. Sometimes they has asked questions if they didn't understand something. Then she told me how she meet Sohei at school at the first time and how she fell for him time to time.

The weather has changed, it's raining really badly, and it reflects my feelings.

Sometimes I look to Ame to make sure that he is ok. Ame slept peacefully on my shoulder, but everyone knew he was in terrible pain. His eyelids twitched in his sleep, and he murmured something softly to himself several times, what he muttered there was not recognizable, although I have a great ears.

Why do people sometimes do something terrible? Why do they take life without scruples? Doesn't the life of other living beings mean anything to them?

Fortunately, his injured arm did not bleed as badly as before, but still it should be treated, especially the bullet in his arm should be removed. The wounds of the animals would be completely healed within two or three weeks.

With a sigh I asked Sohei. "I'm really worried about Ame's wounds. How far is it?" "Not very far, we'll need about ten minutes," he answered. Yuki turned around and looked at Ame with a sad glint in her eyes, she didn't want to lose her little brother, as she had lost her beloved father in a young age. This can you see in her eye.

Luckily, I don't know what it's like to lose a loved person. I hope I never have to experience this in my life, I don't know how else to life with that.

"We're here" Sohei broke through the uncomfortable silence between us all. Carefully, not hurting any more Ame, I lifted him up on his uninjured shoulder, Sohei came to help me with Ame. He gently heaved him out of the car. Yuki went in to talk to her mother about the incident. Both women stormed out of the house. The woman next to Yuki looked quite similar to her, she had only a darker hair tone, a few gray highlights sprout from her hairline.

With common forces, we carried Ame in the house. When we went in, I looked at the house, it looked like a typical Japanese house. It was definitely bigger than ours. We put him on a futon, then Hana cut his shirt apart with a pair of scissors and looked at the wound.

The he blue-haired man opened his eyes with a painful moaning and started to sit up, but Hana pushed him gently him backwards down and stroked his blue hair and said "Lay down, it will only hurt more if you move." She turned to us and asked with a smile "Could you please leave the room? I need to remove the bullet, so please go."

Please, everything should go well and no further problems arise!

Without a sound we left the room and sat in the living room. I sat down on the floor next to the door. My eyes wandered through the room, the living room looked comfortable. There were shelves, tables and things around. Hana had a lot of books.

A scream broke my thoughts, Sohei and Yuki fared similarly, they were sitting on a sofa in front of it and holding their hands, meanwhile Yuki had her head on Sohei's shoulder. After this scream I wanted to storm into the room.

However, a hand grabbed me and stopped me storming into the room. I turned surprised around and looked questioningly at Yuki. Yuki noticed my eyes and brought light into the dark "I don't think it makes sense to storm into the room and disturb Mom at work. Ame can't be doctored and would only have more pain? I am sure, you don't want Ame to have more pain" Tears welled into my eyes and I started crying, sobbing. I slapped my hands on my face and cried "I don't want to see him in pain, everything should go well. I-I'm just afraid to lose Ame. Before I met Ame, I always felt lonely, even though I have my mother and father. I didn't have a single friend in my school, because I'm a freak for my classmates. Is it so bad to be different?"

My legs became weak, they buckled and so I sat with my knees on the floor and cried. The tears would not stop rolling down my cheeks. The door squeaked open, footsteps were heard, and strong arms snaked softly around my shaking body. The smell of forest rose in my nose and I knew immediately who it was.

Ame! He's fine, thank God

"You'll never be lonely, after all, you've got your grandparents and ... me now. I'll never ever leave you in my life, I can promise you that. And now stop crying" Ame tried to make me stop cry with a weak voice. He put his hand under my chin and made me to look at him. His face was as white as a freshly painted wall and his eyes were half closed, but I was always locked in his brown eyes. He carefully wiped away my coming tears, this time tears of joy. A hawk was heard behind the blue-haired boy, curious as I was, I looked behind him and saw Hana. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I haven't meet your girlfriend yet, Ame" Hana said, smiling warmly at her son. Ame blushed, let go of me and walked away from me and stammered "S-She is not my girlfriend, ONLY a friend!"

These words hurt, but I did not show it. Hana's smile grew a bit more, I unfortunately didn't know that. Clearing my throat, I drew my attention and began to introduce myself "I am (Y/N) (L/N), I was born in Germany and grew up there until I was seventeen. My father and I can turn in wolves just like Ame and Yuki. At the moment my parents are making a world tour and have sent me to my grandparents. Ame has told me a lot about you."

"I hope only well things" Yuki said with a grin, swinging her arm around her younger brother. "Ouch, my WOUNDS," Ame gasped. Yuki took her arm back and apologized to him. Hana, Sohei and I watched them smiling. The siblings finally got along again. There was much to talk about. As long as the two were busy, Hana came up to me and hugged me and whispering softly in my ear "Thank you for bringing Ame back to me, I thought I would never see him again."

"I think I should leave you all alone, so you can talk in peace" I told her and broke from her embrace happy smiling. Hana looked at my face and nodded in agreement, she knew I wanted Yuki and Ame to get along again.

Blood is thicker than water

"WHAT, you want to go? It has not even been a week "Ame whined. I interrupted him with a hug. "We'll see each other again. It's not a goodbye forever, you Baka, "I growled, briefly pressing a kiss on his cheek. My face was red.

I-I just kissed him on the cheek!

Frightened by my action, my heart stopped for a second. I could see a light blush on his cheek, which gave me some hope that Ame might have the same feelings for me.

"Come, I'll drive you home" Sohei offered me. We left the house together and waved before we drove off with the car to my home.

"We will see us in three days like I promised you. Meet me where we met at the first time" Ame's voice called after me.

"I'll come for sure!" I murmured happily.

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