Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

A painful whine echoed throughout the forest and Ames body fell limp on the hard ground. I was shocked! I stood there, couldn't move, was paralyzed. I still couldn't believe what was going on in front of me. "NO! AME! "I screamed and cried my eyes out and ran to Ame. When I was in front of him, I knelt sobbing next to him to see if he was still alive. But I had to lay my ear on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. It was still beating!

Thank God, he is still alive!

I sighed relived and looked where the hunter had shoot him. I spotted a shot hole in Ame's shoulder, and I twisted my face. "Ame, get up! You have to go to a hospital, where you can have help." With tears in my eyes I struggling Ame to get him out of his unconsciousness. I slapped him lightly on the cheek. I ignored the hunter, who is shouting behind me.

"Where is the boy? Where does the wolf come from?" The hunter shouted, aiming his weapon on me. I was so angry, that I couldn'tt leave my wolf in me, I ran madly at him, and with a jump turned into a wolf. The hunter got scared that you could see him. The weapon in his hand is t shackling slightly, sweat formed on his forehead, which slowly ran down his pale temple. "S-Stay where you are, you MONSTER!" He shouted anxiously, heading to the river. This river was one of the widest in the entire forest. Not a single animal dared to cross the river, because that would be pure suicide.

This pig has shouted at Ame! He will pay for that!

I sprinted toward him and shoveling him with my forepaws into the wild stream. The hunter was so surprised. After he fell, he called for my help. Of course I didn't. There was no escape for him. I saw him afterwards until he was no longer to see. Then I went to Ame and nudging him with my (H/C) snout. He opened his eyes and moaned in pain and unknowing turned back into a human. I turned to a human to.

Ame looked at me first, then looked around him with a painful face, then turned to me and softly asked "Where is the hunter?" His voice was weak because of the blood loss. "I-I shoved him into the river because I was full of anger. H-He was torn away by the river "I stuttered.

I have killed a man. But he have taken a life too, right? So I cannot be worse than him, right? Because of him, I almost lost Ame. That would be a deep pain in me, especially in my heart.

Tears flowed down my red cheeks, I wiped my eyes and tried to stop my cram of crying, but it didn't work out. "I-I thought I had lost you" I sobbed and slapped my hands over my face. Ame rested his arm on the ground and stood up with the last of his strength, then took me in his arms. "Ame, take care of your wound! I'll will only hurt you more "I exclaimed and broke away from his warm embrace. I tore a long piece off my shirt and tied it tightly around his gunshot wound. Ame groaned in pain and glared at me.

"I'm sorry, but your wound shouldn't bleed anymore" I told him, helping him onto his legs. Immediately after, I helped him up and together we searched for a road so that we could arrive faster to Ame's family. Because of our secret, we cannot go to a normal doctor, because of that Ame said that we should go to his mother because she knows she knows his secret.

We've been running for a while on the side of the road, we haven't met a single driver and if they have just driven past us. They just ignored Ame, even though he's hurt. The wounds of animals heal much faster than of humans. This is, for example, one of the good qualities of our almost extinct race.

Ame became weaker and weaker with every step we took, he would not stand it much longer. Luckily, a car stopped next to us and the passenger door was opened. A girl jumped frantically out of the car and ran for Ame. "Oh God, what happened to you, Ame? You're bleeding!" The girl shouted in shock and slapped her hands in shock over her mouth. Tears welled up in her eyes. "Who are you if I may ask?" I asked politely while she and a young man, who got out of the car helped Ame into the car. I can smell a familiar scent at her, a wolf scent. She looked at me and probably noticed me now and answered while sobbing "I am Yuki, Ame's older sister. My boyfriend and I were only on vacation for a short time and happened to drive by here. Could you please explain to me what happened to Ame?" She asked me and wiped her hands over her face and immediately got into the car. I looked at her a bit dumbfounded.

Ohh...she is Ame's older sister?

"Yes, I can do that" I said, looking a little shy on my feet. "You can sit next to Ame ..." she offered sniveling and get in the car. I accepted her offer with a nod and sat next to the injured man. When I sat down, the man next to Yuki started to dive very fast. "By the way, I'm Sohei, Yuki's boyfriend. May I ask who you are? "Sohei introduced himself.

"I am (Y/N) (L/N), I am very pleased to meet you" I introduced myself and looked at the injured wolf-man. Ame held his injured shoulder and breathed heavily. "Could you please explain what happened to Ame. What has so badly injured him?" Yuki asked, looking worried through the rearview mirror at her younger brother.

During the drive I told her what had happened in the forest. Everyone was quiet in the car and the two older ones listened thoughtful. "This pig did not deserve it any other way. How can he just shoot someone? "Yuki hissed angrily.

"Don't worry, I'm fine" Ame tries to calm down his older sister. With a sigh I looked out the window and saw the trees past us. I followed my own thoughts.

Ame, why do I like you more and more? Whenever you are close to me, my heart beats very quickly and strong. I feel cold and warm at the same time. Could I be in love with you?

"Of course I'm worried about you, Ame! After all, I'm your older sister" she screamed loudly, bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked at her in surprise and could see her clenching her hands so hard that her knuckles turned white. Sohei calmed her by placing his hand on her fist and gently stroking it. Yuki slowly calmed down. "I know, Yuki" Ame said weak. "I'm so tired. Yuki. I-II want to apolo- "Ame muttered softly into my shoulder, snuggling closer to me. "We can keep talking when you feel better, little brother" Yuki said, ordering Sohei to drive faster, which he did.

"How did you and Ame meet?" Yuki asked abrupt and turned to me with a slightly smiling. "Hm... it was ..." I began to tell.

Wolf's Love (Ame X Reader)✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz