"What would you like today?" Harry asked him

"How about some bacon and eggs?" Earl said not even looking at the menu... What would he have done if that wasn't on the menu?

"Coming right up." Harry said shuffling back into the back to get started on Earls order.

"He's a nice man Leanna, much better than the last guy." Earl said chuckling . What the hell is funny about that? Sick bastard.

After ten minutes of Earl rambling on and on about stupid stuff to Zayn and I. Harry came back out with Earls order.

"Here ya go chief.." Harry said laying the plate down on the counter where the chief was.

"Thanks Harry.. Did you make this yourself?" Earl asked then stuffed his face.

"Actually no, I have a few cooks helping me." Harry said looking at me for approval I nodded quickly.
He was referring too Liam, Louis, and Niall.

"Oh, well it's good." Earl said after a few minutes of stuffing his face.

"How much is it Leanna?" Earl asked and I thought the faster he's out the better.

"Just for today it's free." I told Earl.

"Have a nice day." I told him waving, signaling for him to leave.

"You too ." He smiled walking out.

"What was that?" Zayn asked referring to My new found "husband"

"Well, the other day Earl came in and I told him that Harry was my husband.." I explained to Zayn.

"Here take this to the back for Niall to wash." I handed the plate to Zayn.

After I made sure Zayn was gone I turned to Harry smiling.

"You did a great job." I told him.

"I know. I did the best job." Harry said smirking.

"Yup." I told him.

I was about to shoo him to the back when Liam came out do the back.

"When did you two get married?" Liam asked angrily... Damnit Zayn...

"Yesterday." Harry told Liam making a heart with his fingers before continuing " It's true love."

Me and Harry started laughing, but Liam didn't find it funny.

"Just, both of you go to the back and get Zayn." I told them shooing them.


After a few hours, a few people came Into the diner.

Currently it's 10 AM and there is five people in here.

A pair of two are in here. Also something that makes me smile so much Is that in the corner in a worn out booth is a group of three friends. 1 boy and two girls. They are laughing and I'm gonna give them this meal for free cause I can.

I walked up to the group of three.

"Ok guys, what do you want? I decided I'm giving you your meal for free today." I told them

One if the girls with long red hair and bright blue eyes bursted out really loudly,

"OMG Really?"

"Shh, Rachel you're so loud." The other girl with light brown hair that was in a pony tail told her friend hitting her shoulder.

"Thank you so much m'am ." The boy who had curly brown hair that kinda looked like Harry's he also had bright blue eyes.

"No problem guys, I'm Leanna. I'll be your waitress today, may I ask you a question?" I asked the boy.

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