it's so unfair part 1 (afterdeath/ angst)

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That's admittedly what he felt most days…

The overwhelming feeling would grip to his soul tightly and cling there, unwilling to let go.Didn't matter who he talked to or how much he tried, the feeling never left. He had long learned to ignore it though, he had grown numb to this feeling. Practically forgot there constantly felt like there was a piece of him missing... and technically there was more than just a piece missing from him. His body was a royally fucked up disgusting mess. Pain and determination surely did not mix well, neither did death.

That didn't matter to him, he never was confident in his own looks before this whole mess even started anyways. What was unfair was that HE reminded him of that empty feeling lingering inside him.

Why couldn't he just bring himself to hate the death god like he long ago did? Why did he grow to enjoy his visits just to grow sorely disappointed when he wouldn't show up daily anymore?

//It's so unfair

How you make my heart burn

How you hold my hand and make it tremble

How you bring such a bright smile to my face

And cause tears to fall from my eyes//

Geno let out an audible sigh, still messing around with the end of his brother’s scarf. Feeling the silky fabric under his sore fingers helped to comfort him, it helped to calm him down, and definitely helped to ignore the presence of the death god just a little.

He couldn't fathom why but whenever reaper would come to visit he could always just sense he was there and for whatever reason reaper would always try to sneak up on him... It would rarely work.

He remembers once when he was really tired reaper just quietly sat next to him rather than trying to ambush him like always. Of course it had the opposite effect since he was so accustomed to him jumping out of nowhere in his face, but it was a kind gesture.

“geno~” Geno frowned upon hearing the god’s stupid yet soothing voice from directly behind him. Shortly after he felt two arms rest against his shoulders and a weight against the very top of his head.

“What do you want now?” typically he’d fuss at him to get off of him but right now he just didn't have the energy to go back and forth with the god. He felt the other shift a bit behind him and silence lingered for a little while before he was given a response.

“Guess what?” he said softly- well more so than usual. It was a bit hard to hear him but thankfully he'd been close enough for the words to reach him.

Another sigh left geno as he forced himself to stare at his scarf rather than crane his neck to see the other despite wanting to do so really badly. He hated whenever someone would lean up behind him, couldn't see if they were bullshitting him or anything. Maybe years of torment from that one brat allegedly made him too anxious and on edge. He absolutely hated letting there be any sort of risk. Fortunately, he was in the save screen so even if chara had wandered into the area somehow they probably wouldn't be able to do much.


“She said yes” reaper said a little louder and definitely more excitedly. It made geno have to take a moment to think over his words for a bit.

He said she… did he mean… toriel? He recalls how he would talk very highly of her sometimes whenever he’d visit but right now he wasn't completely following what he was saying.

“You… asked her out?”he asked in a whisper, plucking at a few blades of grass. It was a wonder how he didn't manage to pluck out all the grass within the save screen by now with how often he would do this. Perhaps it just never went away or something?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2018 ⏰

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