The Cruel Joke

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Hurrying as fast as he could, Jack ran down the hall. "Oh no no no no no this can't be happening!" He said to himself. Turning the corner he hit his shoulder and winced, then slammed into the door to his left. He desperately turned the knob and to his reliefs the door swung open revealing the one thing that could help him. "O man," he said, nervously climbing into his chair," they really are gonna kill me!" He joined the party to find that he was just on time. Relaxing, he popped open a soda and prepared himself for a match. "Come on guys we can win this one!" He cheered.

Jack was team captain of a pro Call of Duty clan. They sniped, knifed, killed in exorbitant amounts, but more importantly, they were a team and they never lost a pro scrim. This night was no different than any other. "Alright ready up boys, they don't stand a chance." The opposing team was of equal skill to them, however Jack's team was especially skilled at search & destroy. They wouldn't lose to these easy prey.

About halfway through the match, Ben, their sniper, said his neighbors were being noisy. "I'll be back in a minute I've got to take care of these losers." After five minutes the match had ended and Ben was still gone and even though they were happy they won the team was still worried. The time was 11:23 P.M. and he had been gone for ten minutes when mark said," what the fu- and he was logged of. Jack was beginning to get suspicious," Guys is this some kind of sick joke because if it is cut it out it's not- Holy Shit!!" Screamed Jason," Oh my God! Someone Help!!" He wailed. His howls of pain were replaced after 20 seconds with low moans and then the mic cut off." I've had enough of this Ill talk to you guys tomorrow," Jack managed.

As He logged off, Jack noticed something odd. He had caught a glimpse of the street and seen people limping and slouching towards his house. "It's nothing," he lied to himself. "Just my imagination." Jack lied in his bed for a few minutes before closing his eyes, thinking about Jason's screams. It wasn't cool at all how they had done that to him! He would get them back! He fell asleep scheming pranks.

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