"Ains!!! You are finally here!!" Jerry gives me a happy grin as I settle in the tight spot offered as Jerry scoots over. Nodding politely at the new faces as Jerry introduces them, I silently munch on my food, my mind wondering. Jerry's chatter becomes background noise as Hunter's scent drifts my way, my body tenses for a split second before relaxing as the scent doesn't become stronger.  "You really should come sit with us more often." The comment is casual, but its unsaid words are anything but. "I have the feeling that if I let you out of my sight for too long you will disappear for good."

    Opening my mouth to protest, I stop and think, my mouth closing as I realise that on some deep inner level I feel that I will leave Jerry one day. The why and how of it I don't know, but I do know that I will leave everything here behind some day. Not in the sense that I will travel the world but more in the sense that I will never return once I step away from the building when my time here is finished. Jerry's shoulders sag at my lengthy silence, deep shadows in his otherwise sparkly open curious eyes.

    "You seems down today Young Master Ainsley." The observation of one of the school clinic's doctors is unneeded. My whole body language is slumped so there is no reason for the guess to be wrong. Shrugging in answer, I watch dispassionately as yet another vail is filled with blood, the mere sight of it triggering the itch in my throat and the image of Hunter offering his neck for my bite. Turning my head away has no effect what so ever on the image or the itch, it seems to be seared onto my closed eyelids. "It seems that your body has sped up the bonding process once more."

    The disembodies voice comes from far, and as I open my eyes the worried brown ones from the doctor peer into mine. Consulting the meticulously kept notes in the leather bound book bearing my name,  the doctor scribbles some more and stands up with a sigh. "The Head Master needs to be informed and do his duty to inform the High Council."

    The High Council seems to be a big deal when I asked Jerry later about it, he seemed awed and terrified at the same time. Apparently, the High Council is made up of the descendants of the two ruling families during my ancestors lifetimes. Their blood goes back decades even centuries, and it is said they can be traced back to the original bloodline of the first vampire.  Strangely the High Council seems to involve people similar to my parents, people, who can trace their blood back directly to the first vampire. But since they disappeared or some even say they died, they and their bloodline, including mine were removed off the official chart keeping the records of the bloodlines.

    Near the end of the week, I am called to the Head Master's office for a meeting with the High Council. People around me kept fussing with my clothing, giving me contradictory advice. Tucking the white linen shirt in my pants, I sigh with frustration and tug uselessly at the two small cords dangling around my neck to keep the high neck collar in place. I officially hate the damn things. Knocking on the heavy wooden door goes unanswered for several minutes before a different voice calls me to enter. As soon as I step over the threshold, I dislike the guy who is seated in the Head Master's seat excessively.  The same feeling is extended to the other eight unknown people in the oval-shaped room. There is a slight pressure building up on the spot between my shoulder blades, slowly trying to creep upward.

    The owner of the stare is surprised when my narrowed eyes swing their way, effortlessly accomplishing what he was trying with me. Flashes of a generous rounded young male being told off by his parents, teachers and countless images of him abusing others in the same way. He gasps before managing to stanch the flow of images. The images slowly flicker and fade away but not before I see him swear a Bloodvow with a darkly cloaked figure. Something about it seems familiar, yet it stays just outside of my grasp.

    "The hell?!" The voice of the man the generous rounded young male turned into booms around the room as he rises up from his seat by the fire, fists clenched. Defiantly, I meet his angry gaze with one of my own, more than ready to call an end to this stupid charade and go back to the dorm. 

    "You really are your father's son. And I am not just talking about the striking physical resemblance to him." An older voice comes from a corner across the room, near the huge bookshelves. A man mirroring Hunter in height and colouring steps forward, a thick short glass filled with amber liquid in his hand that he holds up in salute to me. "My son has told me about you quite a bit. And I have to say that is good to see you a healthy young man, as when the last time I saw you, you were only four years old." An old memory surfaces, one filled with childish laughter as I chase a small boy in a green tunic across a stone courtyard. Frowning, I recognise the place but like the dark cloaked figure, the why of it remains firmly out of my grasp. 

    "You are Hunter's father." The man smiles at the words, quietly sipping his drink, making the little ice cubes click together. "So what now?" The question has all eyes in the room on me now. "I am sure there is more to this little get-together. I just want to get this over and done with." My words are met with silence, and it lengthens with every heartbeat. Declining to be the first to crack, I let the silence do the talking for me. Standing still in the middle of the room where all nine of them can see me clearly, I let the curious, intrigued and scornful gazes slide over my skin, not letting them penetrate any deeper than a few inches. 

    "Your medical file makes for an interesting read." A resounding thud sounds as the thick volume is closed with unnecessary force. "What intrigues me the most is the fact that your body is near the third stage of the Bonding process, yet you are not exhibiting any symptoms at the separation of your Bonded like most would." He rounded the desk, hands clasped behind his straight back, circling me in slow but powerful strides.

    "That is because his head hasn't caught up with his heart yet." A soft female voice explained as a tall woman in a dark green floor-length gown with blazing red curls fingers the leatherbound volume. "He is already slowly losing the war." She continued, gaze firmly on my throat and mouth. "He is already feeling the need to bite and feed off his Bonded." She rounded on Hunter's image near the windows. "Your son I believe Aleksandr."

     Aleksandr nods his head slowly in acknowledgment but says nothing. Still sipping his drink, he slowly swings to face me. His steady eyes assess me, calculating but warm. "Hunter is further along the process, he had the protective instinct from the first time he clapped eyes on Ainsley. He has been struggling to control the urges to complete the Bonding since."

HIS (BXB) [REWITTEN VERSION] SLOW UPDATESOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora