once he finished his shower, the boy only draped one of jisung's oversized, thin rock band t-shirts that fit him more like a mid-thigh dress over his body. he plopped down on the bed and laid down next to eunki amongst all the pillows, when suddenly his phone rang.

startled by the noise, chenle jumped and quickly went to check who was calling him, which ended up being jisung. he answered quickly, pressing the phone to his ear.

"what's wrong? are you okay?" the shorter boy asked quietly, yet worriedly. he heard jisung's gentle laugh in the background. "nothing. i just missed your voice, plus i wanted to hear it. and the store's pretty full for it to be almost midnight. the line i'm in isn't that long though." the younger explained.

chenle smiled at the reasoning, as he physically placed his hand over his erratic heartbeat that the younger always managed to cause.

"dummy. you scared me." the elder whined playfully, practically seeing jisung roll his eyes. the two continued to talk over the phone about random thoughts until the younger arrived back home.

within a heartbeat, chenle stood up and hugged his boyfriend when he entered the room, as if it was the last time they were going to see each other. jisung cooed, sighing deeply and happily as he hugged chenle's fragile waist.

the younger set the bag of formula down in the corner of his room, and headed off to take a shower. the elder remained in bed next to the sleeping baby, waiting for jisung to return.

after a short while, the boy came out of the bathroom in a loose tank top, baggy sweatpants, and damp hair, making chenle's eyes widen at the sight.

"what?" jisung asked with a slight chuckle, seeing the elder just staring into him. he sat down next to chenle, who remained still for a few moments before crawling over to his lover and straddling his lap. the younger gasped quietly, not really expecting that at all.

chenle closed the space between them, kissing his boyfriend passionately. jisung kissed back just like the shorter boy, hands gently grasping his exposed thighs and caressing them softly.

the two disconnected, though jisung kept his hands where they were, and stared profoundly into his lover's eyes. chenle then cuddled adoringly into the taller's chest. this caused jisung to fall back on the bed with ease and take chenle down with him.

both boys were now resting on top of each other in the silent, dark room, the elder's head nuzzled into jisung's neck, their breathing relaxing and slowing down.

but a small cry from a third voice had broken the silence.

eunki was mumbling and whining, his baby hands going everywhere while his eyes were still closed.

chenle quickly got off of jisung and went towards the baby, picking him up and holding him sweetly in his arms. when that didn't calm him down, the elder now thought the baby was hungry. chenle walked over to the plastic bag at the corner of the room, picked it up with one hand, and was going to walk out when jisung suddenly stood up and slid an arm around his waist.

"what're you doing?" he asked quietly, the baby's fussing starting to get a little louder. "i'm gonna go make eunki a bottle really fast." chenle replied, seeing jisung shake his head. "you rest, i'll do it." he said, only to have his boyfriend retort the same action. "no. you already got him the formula, i got this one. go to sleep, jisung." chenle requested, seeing the latter about to protest again so he quickly stood up on the tips of his toes to peck his lips. "go. to. sleep." chenle said in between his pecks, leaving jisung pouting but of course giving in to him and his light kisses.

the elder went downstairs into jisung's kitchen and turned on the dim lights, setting the bag down on the countertop and switching eunki to his other arm. the boy quickly read through the directions and did what was necessary, in the end shaking the warm bottle with milk in his hand before feeding it to eunki.

he stopped whining almost instantly, making chenle smile.

the baby looked around the kitchen with curiosity, and that was when chenle realized he had two different colored eyes. he wasn't able to tell before because eunki was either sleeping or crying with his eyes shut, but now that he saw them fully, he was amazed.

"you're so cute." chenle mumbled to the baby, pressing a soft kiss on his forehead. he rocked him side to side, humming along quietly to a random melody in order to soothe him.

chenle felt familiar arms suddenly wrap around his waist, making him turn around with a frown.

"i told you to go to sleep." he scolded, seeing jisung not reply and just hold him even closer. it was another nice moment between them, but chenle then squealed out of nowhere. "look at eunki's eyes! one is blue and the other's green!" he excitedly whispered. "really?" jisung asked, amused at how his boyfriend was acting.

"i don't think i can see them right now." jisung spoke quietly, pointing down at eunki who's eyes were closed again. he had stopped drinking his bottle, and was now back in a peaceful slumber.

that was pretty fast, in chenle's opinion. the baby wasn't even halfway done with the bottle.

jisung picked his lover off his feet, earning a small gasp of surprise from him as he gently tightened his hold on the baby. "now, all three of us go to sleep." the younger mumbled, kissing both chenle and eunki's foreheads though the baby had already fallen asleep, while walking upstairs back into their room.

he set chenle down on one side of the bed with the baby, then crawled in right next to him. the elder placed the baby in the middle of the two because there wasn't a crib, and got under the covers.

"goodnight, love." jisung whispered, his hand running through chenle's hair as a sign of affection since he couldn't cuddle him at the moment, otherwise he would've squished eunki. "g-goodnight." the elder stammered, blushing deeply at the name his boyfriend had called him. jisung giggled, knowing he made chenle's face redden.

and with that, the couple had fallen asleep with their baby in between them.

« 🌞 »

time check; 22:49

jisung's line in we go up when he says "stay alive" hit me, like a damn truck.

you're appreciated. you're loved. and remember, you're never alone.

— áltura

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