Chapter 6

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i know its really short but the next one will be longer...blame school and way too much homework

They did get suspended but it was only for two days, unfortunately when their mum found out they were also grounded so I was going to be on my own tonight. I had planned on hanging with the twins since Matt was going out and Lily and Hunter had a "study date".

After English the day passed uneventfully and before long school was over. I stood talking with Lily about our art assignment while she waited for Hunter. Eventually I saw two tall figures making their way down towards us, Hunter and Matt. Lily grinned as Hunter walked over and bent to peck her on the cheek, taking her bag from her and slinging it over his own shoulder. Matt caught my eyes and smiled, his eyes flickering down to my shirt then back to my face, he was probably remembering when we got it that was a good summer, I smiled back.

"Ready to go?" Hunter asked Lily in his quiet voice reaching down and entwining his fingers with hers.

"You bet." Lily replied, "See you later guys." She said to Matt and me offering a little wave.

I stood and watched as they made their way to Hunter's sleek black Audi - oh yea did I mention his parents were loaded? - And Hunter opened the door for Lily before putting their bags on the back seat. I sighed I couldn't help but be slightly envious of their relationship.

"What?" Matt asked pulling me from my thoughts

"Hmm?" I replied intelligently as ever.

"Why'd you sigh?" he asked, and I could see the curiosity burning in his blue eyes.

"Oh, well it's know...aren't they adorable together?" There I go again with my stunning intelligence.

"Whipped." Matt replied smiling a little crooked smile, for some reason though it didn't quite reach his eyes.

I just rolled my eyes in response trying to think of a smart reply but it was deemed unnecessary when I heard a high pitched voice that grated on my nerves.

"Mattyyyyyy!" I couldn't help the scowl that spread over my face. That was my nickname for him and it annoyed me hearing it come from Alyssa's bright pink lipstick-ed mouth.

Matt sighed and shouted that he was coming. Then he turned back to me "Before I forget, I will be driving to school tomorrow, I have practice." I nodded, disappointed that we wouldn't be able to hang out two afternoons in a row, he seemed to notice it and was about to say something when Alyssa's scream for him to hurry up cut him off. He rolled his eyes and with a nod and a wave turned to walk her bright red convertible where she stood in a tiny denim skirt, pink tube top and heels that I'm sure were against the dress code. I sighed and made my way to my truck, not looking forward to my evening of homework.

*~*~Matt's POV~*~*

"Oh, well it's know...aren't they adorable together?" Lexi stuttered out a slight flush coming to her cheeks, she hated when she couldn't articulate what she wanted to say.

She was right of course Hunter and Lily were 'adorable' together, they seemed like they were made for each other, and honestly I was quite jealous with the ease they seemed to have.

"Whipped." I replied trying to smile, even though I knew Lexi would probably know it wasn't real, she knew me inside out.

She rolled her eyes and was about to see something when she was cut off by Alyssa.

"Mattyyyyyy!" I almost wanted to wince, her voice was so high pitched and I hated when she called me Matty, the only one who could ever get away with that was Lexi. Speak of the devil she was standing there a scowl spread over her face, her eyebrows angled down over her gorgeous hazel eyes and her full lips pulled down at the corners.

I couldn't help the sigh that escaped from me and turned to tell Alyssa that I was coming. I then turned back to Lexi to let her know that I had football tomorrow and would be driving myself to school. She nodded and I could see the disappointment in her eyes, I felt it as well, I hated that we wouldn't be able to spent time together two afternoons in a row. I was about to reassure her that we would hangout on Wednesday when Alyssa screamed for me to hurry up. I rolled my eyes and nodded to Lexi waving before turning and making my way over to Alyssa's bright red car. I was almost at the car when I turned in time to see Lexi heave a sigh and turn to walk to her car.

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