Chapter 4

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Monday morning and I was awake at 6am, I sighed and decided to just get up now, once I was awake I couldn't get back to sleep, unlike my dear best friend Matthew who could sleep anywhere anytime, unfortunately for him though it took him a long time to actually wake up, where as once I was up I was ready to go he would be in a daze for up to 15 minutes... usually it was quite funny and adorable. I packed my bag and tried to decide what to wear.

Well I may as well take advantage of the weather while it was still nice. I chose a pair of denim shorts which were a decent length unlike the scraps of fabric many of the girls at school favoured and a white t-shirt with a faded union jack on it that I had got last time I went to England with Matt. After taking a shower I dressed and debated as to what to do with my hair. It was a dark auburn with natural red highlights and a slight curl stopping just below my shoulder blades, I ran a brush thorough it and seeing as it was behaving nicely for once I decided to leave it out. I then put on my favourite piece of jewellery, a small silver heart locket with a tiny diamond on the front which housed a picture of Matt and I grinning like idiots, he had given it to me on my 16th birthday and on the back was inscribed "M+A forever" I knew he meant it as in best friends forever but it still gave me hope that he maybe felt the same way as I did, but then of course a week and a half after my birthday he had started dating Alyssa. It had been three weeks since then. My birthday was August 18th and it was now September school had started 3 weeks ago, Alyssa snagged Matt the first day of junior year not that I had been keeping track or anything 'cause that would be weird and stalkerish. Ughh it appears I even ramble in my head.

The ding-dong of my message tone brought me from my rambling thoughts.

'Morning, mind giving me a drop 2 skl 2day? xx' it was from Matt. I smiled and tapped out a reply.

'sure if you come over now I'm makin' choc chip pancakes ;) xx'

I shoved the phone in my pocket and grabbed some socks and my black converse that had neon swirls and flowers on them; I also grabbed a hoodie in case in got windy later. Walking out my room with my bag and other stuff I felt my phone buzz again.

'yummmm my fave :D c u in 10 xx'

I had just finished making the pancakes and plating them - two for me, six for Matt - when he showed up at the kitchen door. I looked up at him from putting the plates on the table and burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" he asked confused.

" your...shirt." I managed to stutter out through my giggles. Looking down he smiled

"I thought you would, Hayden and Jayden got it for me." It was a red shirt with a cartoony polaroid of a rooster and below it said 'photo of my cock'

"Hayden and Jayden?" I asked finally managing to control my giggles, "Figures."

The two of us sat down and began eating in silence; Matt was far too focussed on his favourite breakfast to talk.

Hayden and Jayden were twins; their mother wasn't the most creative woman in the world hence their rhyming names, they were two of our closest friends and were completely hilarious. They were completely identical with dark brown hair and amber eyes the only difference being a small scar above Jayden's left eye that allowed us to tell them apart, but for people who didn't know them as well it was practically impossible and they used that to their advantage when pulling pranks, which they did very often, in fact I'm quite surprised they haven't been expelled yet.

I was halfway through my second pancake, feeling quite full when I heard Matt sigh.

"That was bloody fantastic, as usual." He grinned eyeing my half a pancake.

Well I guess I was full.

"Want it?" I asked indicating the pancake, he enthusiastically nodded his head, pulled the plate over and in less than a minute it was empty.

"Thanks Lex." He said his infectious grin showing his dimple, I couldn't help but smile in return.

"No problem." I stood up and placed the dishes in the sink to wash later. I looked at the clock. "We had better go." I said whilst slipping on my shoes.

He held the door open for me and we made our way to my truck.


" oh wait." We had just pulled out and Matt was fiddling with the radio, trying to find something worth listing to, seeming pleased he turned it up and I recognised the beat of Maroon 5's new single Misery, it was pretty awesome. Matt began singing along, he couldn't quite get Adam Levine's voice done, but he still sounded good, he had a gorgeous voice.

When it came to the high pitched parts I joined in and we sang in stupid voices since neither of us could hit the notes, then we dissolved into fits of laughter. He turned it down as some Lady GaGa song came on and I took the chance to ask him why he needed a drop to school.

"I'm going out with Alyssa later and she wants to drive since, you know she doesn't like the bike." He mumbled turning back up the radio when he found something worth listening to.

I had forgotten Alyssa's aversion to the motorcycle, she had the stupidest reason for disliking it as well it was because she had to wear a helmet and she hated getting helmet hair *cue eyes roll* wait is stupidest even a word? Anyways whatever it probably wasn't comfortable with those stilettos she loves wearing either. I hated heels, last time I had tried wearing them I sprained my ankle and it was only because of Matt that I didn't break it of course he thought it was funny. Never again.

I pulled into my usual parking spot, killed the engine and hopped out grabbing my bag from the back, I then realised that Matt had fallen asleep, see what I mean, that boy can sleep anywhere. I smiled and walked round to his side of the car opening the door getting ready to wake him up but was interrupted by the loud voices of 3OH3! As their song Déjà Vu began playing throughout the car, hmmm that must be his new ringtone he changed it every Monday morning. The noise startled him awake and he shoved his hand in his pocket grabbing and answering his phone.

"Hello," he said blearily "Yea I just got there in 5" he groaned pressing the end button and rubbing at his eyes. I stepped back so he could get out.

"Alyssa?" I asked, I could hear her high-pitched voice from where I was standing.

"Yep, gotta go meet her at her locker." He answered getting out the car and stretching. He grabbed his bag and shut the door. "See you in English." He was a little ways away when I realised I hadn't answered.

"Kay, like the new ringtone by the way." I called out.

He shot a grin at me over his shoulder and then a quick wave.

Sigh another day at this wonderful institute of learning, pshhh yea right. I sighed and made my way towards the gangs usual hang out spot.

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