trentacinque ❃

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i wake up the next morning to the sound of my bedroom door slamming shut. i look next to my right side, a smile going on my face when i see luke. the smile quickly fades when i remember mindys warning from last night.

i get out of bed, managing to trip on my blanket.

"blair? why are you on the floor?" luke asks, covering his eyes from the sunlight flooding into my room.

i groan before grabbing my phone that's laying on my desk. i see a good morning text from harry, as well as a apology.

i sigh before getting up and going to the bathroom. i brush my teeth, then comb my hair. when i finish, and look decent, i exit my room.

i race downstairs only to see my sister standing in the living room with her phone up to her ear. she brings it down, hanging up i assume, just as the doorbell rings.

she gives me a smile before answering the door.

"where is he?" harry asks angrily. he storms inside, stopping his rampage when he sees me.

my attention is pulled away from harry when i see luke stomping down the stairs.

"harry! why are you here-" luke gets cut off when harry rolls his eyes with a sigh.

"blair your okay?"

i nod, looking at harry with wide eyes.

"then why did mindy tell me that-"

he's cut off by my sister spilling her la croix on the floor. "oops." she mumbles, looking down at the mess. "i should get that." she peels off her already tight fitting shirt in an attempt to clean up the fizzy drink off of the hardwood floor.

"why don't you use napkins like a normal person?" harry asks, his voice filled with annoyance.

i bite my lip before timidly going into the kitchen. luke follows me, making himself a glass of water.

before i can go back to the chaotic living room luke yanks on my arm.

"i meant what i said last night. i love you blair, i really do."

i nod, guilt causing me to feel sick. i turn away from him, unable to look at him when those three words leave my mouth. "i love you too."

when he finally lets me go back to the living room harry's sitting on the couch while mindy is sitting next to him with her shirt off. "i come bearing paper towels." i say dramatically.

"that's sweetheart but i believe mindy solved the problem already." harry says with a small smile.

i nod once more, trying my best to feign happiness. i sit down next to him, he allows me to sit relatively close to him, unlike how he's having mindy sit on the opposite side of the couch.

luke comes in, sitting me down on his lap. he gently kisses me cheek, not earning a reaction from me.

"are you hungry?" harry asks me while scrolling through twitter.

i shake my head no. i honestly feel sick to my stomach.

luke and harry start talking about restaurants nearby, and which ones the best.

"blair what do you think?" luke asks me.


harry chuckles softly before speaking up. "what do you think about vegan pancakes and blueberries?" my heart warms just by the sound of his voice.

"i'm not hungry."

"your always hungry princess-"

before luke can finish mindy loudly gags.

"you are all disgusting. i can't believe even you harry can sit through this." my sister whines, standing up to go upstairs.

as luke and harry begin to reply i sprint upstairs in record time. before i know it i'm on my knees in front of the toilet. next thing i know harry's holding my hair while luke is getting mouthwash ready for me.

"oh please, you never did anything like this for me." mindy groans. i look up through watery eyes to see my sister with her arms crossed at the doorway.

"i'm sorry." i mumble, returning to my submissive demeanour harry always seems to bring out.

once i get everything out my nausea goes away. harry looks at me with concern in his eyes while luke hands me a capful of mouth wash.

"feel better?" luke asks, his words quick.


my answer only seems to make him smile, then frown, then smile again. i offer a weak smile once i finish rinsing my mouth out with mouth wash.

"i think i'm gonna go back to bed, i feel sore." i mumble. my eyes widen when i realise the last part of my sentence.

my eyes flicker to harry only to see a barely noticeable smirk on his lips. i quickly look up to luke, a blush adorning my puffy cheeks.

"i'm sorry baby, here we'll let you nap." luke says with kind eyes. i frown when i see him walk away with my sister.

"you okay princess?" harry asks, whispering into my ear as he picks me up. i nod into his chest. "just sore from last night hm? well so i am, i'm not as young as i used to be." he chuckles.

"sh, i don't-"

"i know baby. just focus on feeling better. we can talk about this another time." he mumbles, kissing my cheek before tucking me in. "love you."

"love you too."

"luke left. why are you still here harry? stealing a kiss from my jail bait sister?" mindy asks, leaning against the doorframe once again. "oh by the way, i scheduled a dinner for wednesday night with your boyfriend. i'm sure mom and dad would love to meet him."

harry sends a scowl her way. eventually he leaves my room, as well as mindy.

shouts can be heard from down stairs before the front door slams shut. i groan before laying on my side.

i cant imagine how horrible this dinner is going to be. besides it's on an american horror story night. tragic.

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