♥28♥ You and I

Start from the beginning

Kirishima looked at Yuuki, "I'll walk you home then." 

Yuuki nodded at that with a small blush.

The walk home was silent between them because Yuuki didn't know what to say or do. Her face felt warm and she could feel her heart making innocent thumps. She didn't know what this feeling was, but it felt warm and precious. She sneaked a glance at him and she secretly smiled to herself.

"Ah!" Because she didn't look where she was walking, she nearly tripped over part of the path's broken concrete. 

"Look out!" Kirishima grabbed her hand, he stopped her from falling forward. "That was close, huh? Be more careful." When he was about to let go, he felt Yuuki holding his hand and giving it a light squeeze. "Yuuki?" 

Yuuki looked at their hands, staring at it without saying a word. She was curious about this feeling in her right now. Her heart fluttered and her hand felt warm just by holding his. Secretly, she liked the warmth of his hand and there was a part of her who wished they could stay like this for long. "Kirishima, thank you." 

"For stopping you facepalming the ground?" 

"No. For pulling me back." 

He smiled, "I'll always pull you back. There's no way I can let you lose yourself." He ran his fingers through her hair. It was just like the time when he kissed her forehead within the train.

"Kirishima..." She blushed as she watched him close the space between them. She couldn't look elsewhere but his red eyes. 

"Yuuki, if you don't like something, you need to scream no."

"Does that mean if I like it, I should stay quiet?" 

"You're so cute. Do you have any idea what you do to me, a man?" He gave her a kiss and reminded her to think about him...should he kiss her on the lips and engrave himself more in her memories?

"Oi, Shitty hair. Let me borrow this mongrel." And just like that, Bakugou Katsuki just arrived to ruin the moment. 

Kirishima immediately let go and he jumped in shock when Bakugou was looking at him with an annoyed look. "BAKUGOU?! How long were you here for?!" 

"'If you don't like something, you need to scream no' You're not very convincing when your face is telling her 'I want to eat you.'" Kirishima nearly choked when Bakugou said that out loud. 

"Huh? Um...I'll probably taste familiar because you know me." She said as she nod her head with enthusiasm. 

"T-that's not how it works." Kirishima forced a laughter out, trying to act natural but failing badly. "A-anyway! Forget about it, Bakugou! Don't tell anyone about it!" 

"I don't have time for bullshit with you, Shitty hair." Bakugou walked on ahead. "From here on out, don't follow. Come on, stupid mongrel." 

Was this Bakugou's nasty way of telling her to go home with him? She looked at Kirishima and she bowed once, "Sorry that he's mean. I'll see you at school tomorrow?" 


"I really appreciate what you're doing for me, Kirishima. Thank you so much." 

Kirishima felt his heart flutter. He waved good bye and he watched her leave with Bakugou. "That Bakugou..." Was he seriously looking at Yuuki like he wanted to take her all for himself? "I need to work on the way I look at her. I don't want to look frightening...and is it a good idea to leave them alone?" 


Bakugou did not walk home with her. He walked her to an abandoned place where construction work was put off for many years without continuation in the future. 

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