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"So, Alex, spill." Graham said as he shuffled excitedly in his seat on the carpet.

You had gotten back from the club with Damon just less than an hour ago and just as he had said, you met Graham in the music room for his so called 'announcement'.

Alex just laughed. "Why do I have to explain mate? You're the one that called this 'meeting'." he did quotation marks with his fingers around the word 'meeting'.

"Yeah, but you know most about it, don't you."

He shrugged. "Okay fine." He smirked at Graham and turned to face you, Damon and Dave. "So you know Food Records has offered to sign us, right? Basically.........." He paused. "They want us to open for a gig. Like, a proper gig!"

The look on the boys faces was amazing to watch. It was as if they were children again and they had been given a humongous bar of chocolate.

"Seriously? Oh my god, wait who's headlining?" Damon pressed forward in his seat, eager for the answer.

Alex and Graham looked at each other and somehow the grin spread across both of their faces grew wider.

"Well....you ever heard of a small band named Queen?"

Damon's jaw was practically hanging off of his face in awe. After a minute or so, he found his words. "Yo-you're serious? You're not fucking me about?"

Graham and Alex both shook their heads smiling.

"Jus- just a sec." He walked calmly out of the room, for you to then hear several screams and shouts, with a few 'yes!'s thrown into the mix. You sniggered to yourself, it was so cute to see him this happy. It was the most joyful he had been since you had been together.

He pretty much jumped back into the room, smile still glued to his face.

"Bit excited are we?"

He gave you a look as if to say 'really?' and bent down to capture your lips in a soft kiss. As you pulled away, you noticed Graham's smile had faded slightly. You honestly felt really bad for him and made a mental note to be more careful about what you do with Damon in front of him.

"So, when's the gig?" Dave asked, breaking the slightly awkward moment of silence.

"18th September." Graham simply replied.

You watched the horror and realisation spread over the boys faces as they realised.

"Dude that's in like 2 weeks!"

"I know, I kn-"

Graham was cut off by Dave's now surprisingly stressed manner, he was usually the calmest and most chilled out of the four.

"Ok we have to decide on a setlist, our best songs definitely, maybe try a new one? Or maybe not. Maybe not. Bit risky, yeah? Ok, cool. We have to rehearse, I suggest minimum of two hours a day at least. Or maybe more. Yeah maybe more. Ok, three hours a day." He continued to pace across the room, muttering to himself. Alex stood and stopped him with a calming hand on the shoulder.

"Listen, we'll be fine, yeah? We're great as a group, we're all good mates, our songs are pretty well rehearsed anyway. We'll be fine, I promise you."

Dave's breathing gradually grew slower and at a steadier pace. " Yeah," He said, sitting back down on the beanbag next to where Alex was sat. "Yeah." He let out what seemed to be a sigh of relief.

"Well, we had better be off, it's getting late, and I have to be up early to keep an eye on this one." You said, nudging Alex.

"I have told you plenty of times, I'm fine." He huffed, crossing his arms like a child.


It was around 1am and you had just managed to get to bed. Graham was sleeping the night at Alex's, to swap with you at 6. It was hard work, but it proved the bond between the 5 of you.

You were disturbed by a slight shuffling to your right. You glanced quickly at Damon, who was lying down it what seemed to be a very uncomfortable position, as he kept moving about. His arm was bent behind his head and tucked under the pillow, both his legs tucked to his chest as if in a foetal position. His brow was creased and you could see a few beads of sweat on the sides of his head. Was he having a nightmare or something? Should you wake him?

"Damon," you whispered, carefully tapping his arm. "Day." You whisper-shouted. He grumbled slightly more violently, shaking his head, his brow furrowed even more. You gently shook his arm, getting slightly worried now.

Out of nowhere, his arm came flying towards you before you could move away, whacking you straight in the nose. You grimaced at the small spots of blood dripping onto the beds but focused your attention back onto your now shaking boyfriend. Suddenly, he jolted up, breathing heavily and tears staining his cheeks. You held him in your arms as his breath gradually came back to him.

"Oh god, Y/N, your nose. Here," He pulled a tissue from the box on the side next to him and started dabbing at the practically now dried blood on your upper lip.

"Did I do that?" He asked, when your nose was cleaned up.

You smiled a bit. "Yeah."

"Oh god." He said for a second time. "I'm so sorry."

"It's fine." You laughed to yourself. "You okay? Looks like you were having a pretty bad dream."

"I erm, would rather not explain it." He looked down at his lap and fiddled with his hands.

"Oh, okay." You brushed it off. "Want to watch something? I don't think either of us is going to get much sleep."

"I'd rather just lay here and, you know, kiss you." His signature smirk creeping back onto his face as he leaned in. You gratefully complied until he pulled you on top of him, causing you to squeal.

"Damon!" You giggled as he cupped your cheeks and pulled you closer to him again.

You could get used to this.

You're So Great - Damon Albarn x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz