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You couldn't stop yourself from feeling jealous as you watched your plan being put into action. Caitlin strutted confidently over to Damon, who was at the bar, swaying her hips as she walked.

You had organised for her to basically, try and chat up Damon. And then you would watch from afar and see if he stayed loyal. You knew what you wanted to happen.

From behind a nearby pillar, you had an almost perfect view of the situation. You couldn't hear what was being said, but it was easy enough to guess. Nothing much was happening. They were just chatting.

Hold on. You noticed Caitlin shift in her seat and carefully trace circles into Damon's arm. He didn't brush her off. She edged nearer to him and let her hand wander down to his inner thigh, before she leaned in to whisper something in his ear. Damn she was good. You would be turned on if it was you in his place.

However, he slowly got up from his seat, removing her hand, and you could catch the last few words that came out of his mouth as he left.

"Sorry love." He giggled and held up his glass. He grinned again and walked back slowly with his arms out. "This body's already taken."

Your heart skipped a beat. He wouldn't have done anything. You smiled at the thought. He was probably drunk himself, but he still wouldn't betray you.

After you were sure he was out of earshot, you made your way over to Caitlin, who was grinning like an idiot.

"So, you happy then?" She hiccuped.

She didn't need an answer to know how you were feeling. Of course you were happy. It sounded slightly insane, but in the 3 months you had known Damon, you had recently started to think you and him could be something more. He was the first person you ever invisioned a future with.

After gratefully thanking Caitlin yet again, you gave her a tight hug and told her to ring more often. It was always nice to have a friend to meet up with outside of college. As much as you loved spending time with the boys, you needed some girl time.

You were snapped from your thoughts by a smug looking Damon. "Oi, take a picture, it'll last longer." He winked. You cursed under your breath. You hadn't noticed him wander over. But you kind of fell deeper in love with drunk Damon. You had never invisioned him to be this.....sassy.

"Sorry, I was just-" You were cut off by his lips pressed firmly on yours.

"It's fine." He smiled warmly. "Do you want to head back? Gra rung me before and said he wanted us all to chat. Must be important." He shrugged, before noticing the worried look on your face.


"Alex is just fine. Nothing to do with him, Graham and Dave have been with him all day."

You loved how he instantly knew what was on your mind. It was as if you had some kind of telepathic connection that was only between the two of you.

You both finished your drinks and left the club, finally getting fresh air for the first time in hours.

"You want a smoke?" He took one out and lit it before offering the packet to you. You ignored his hand and in one quick move took his from his mouth and replaced it in your own. You took a drag, feeing the nicotine rush round your blood stream, a feeing you were now used to, yet somehow still felt amazing every time.

"Sneaky. My type of girl." He leaned forward to peck your forehead, before waving to a taxi that was driving up the road.

Oh fuck fuckin fuck FUCK. OK don't hate on me, I haven't updated in....3 weeks now? Yeah, I'm mad at me too. And then I bring you a shitty 600 word chapter. 1000 words by next Tuesday? Let's go 👍 I'll try

You're So Great - Damon Albarn x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ