Chapter 3 - Blond and black

Start from the beginning

Levi emitted a subtle cluck of his tongue before elegantly ascending from his throne, making his way towards the weight training area without uttering a single syllable. His demeanor was peculiar and enigmatic, unlike any other she had encountered. As she observed his departure, her eyes remained transfixed on his posterior as he gallantly parted the double-sided glass portal before disappearing into the unknown.

"Don't be mad at him. He is always like that. If you get to know him better, you will understand him," Erwin elucidated, his mellifluous voice caressing her senses as he took a seat beside her.

She exhaled a deep sigh, her gaze fixated on the door through which Levi had disappeared, when a sudden epiphany dawned upon her.

"He said his name's Ackerman. Is he related to Mikasa in some way? They look so alike...."

"Yeah, they are. They are distant cousins. But let's focus on why we're here before I get jealous. I'm here for your training, am I?" He reclined his countenance upon the exquisite palm of his hand, his elbow resting upon his thigh, and bestowed upon you a beguiling smile. Nina's knees quivered at the sight of his resplendent grin, and a wistful sigh escaped her nostrils. Did he utter the word "jealous"? Nina's cheeks blushed a deep crimson hue, and she heard him chortle at your response.

"My, my, my aren't you a cutie? Now, come on. First let's check out what you're capable of." With a flick of his finger, he beckoned Nina to follow him, and like a loyal puppy, she obeyed. For an hour and a half, she toiled away at the fitness machines, her every move scrutinized by the watchful eye of Erwin, but to her great relief, he seemed pleased with her performance, satisfied with the strength and endurance she displayed.

As she worked, the other women in the gym cast envious glances her way, unable to believe that a man as handsome and refined as Erwin would deign to spend his time with someone as unremarkable as Nina. They whispered and snickered behind her back, their cruel words ringing in her ears like a peal of thunder, but Erwin was not swayed by their petty jealousy, his focus fixed solely on his trainee. And when he noticed the hurt and fear in Nina's eyes, he placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, a gesture of kindness and protection that spoke volumes about his character and his regard for her.

"Don't listen to them. That's just the way to show you that they envy you. Be proud of that because that shows you that you have something that they will never have." His eloquent expressions are imbued with a graciousness and sincerity that have the power to rescue her from the abyss of self-deprecation into which she was descending. Without a moment's hesitation, she uttered the words that had been lingering on the tip of her tongue.

"I will try. It's not like I'm not used to it." Bewildered by her response, he gazed intently at Nina and inquired with a hint of perplexity, "Pray tell, my dear, what do you mean by that?"

Oh my! What on earth did she just utter? How could she extricate herself from this predicament once again? Merely diverting the topic? No, that would be far too conspicuous. Or perhaps she ought to divulge the truth? Indeed, that may be the most prudent course of action. It could prove advantageous to confide in a stranger about her intricate past and convoluted state of mind, and to hear their perspective on the matter. Ultimately, Nina had nothing to lose. One of her dearest confidants had always advised her to lay her cards on the table early on, in order to discern who was deserving of her attention and who was not. With renewed determination, Nina continued her workout, all the while recounting to Erwin the events of her past.

Nina, a solitary figure, has always been the target of those who seek to prey upon the vulnerable. Despite her fervent hopes for a fresh start with each new school, Nina has been consistently proven wrong. Year after year, the same cycle of torment persisted, growing ever more unbearable. Tilting her neck to the right, Nina revealed to Erwin a mid-sized scar, a painful reminder of the cruelty she has endured. This scar was inflicted upon her by a fellow student, the ringleader of a group that made it their mission to torment her. One fateful day, they ambushed her in a secluded location, where her cries for help went unheard. Without provocation, they subjected her to a brutal beating, culminating in a vicious kick to the head that left her unconscious and bleeding. Even now, the memory of that harrowing experience lingers, etched forever upon her skin.

Erwin was an attentive listener, his eyes agape with rapt attention. Nina, so engrossed in their conversation, was oblivious to the fact that her workout had come to a halt and that Erwin's hand had been resting gently on her shoulder the entire time. As she basked in the warmth of his touch, a solitary tear trickled down her delicate cheek. Before she could even think to wipe it away, Erwin had already taken the initiative. Her heart raced with excitement, causing her cheeks to flush with a familiar crimson hue. Could this be real? Had she truly divulged her deepest sorrows to a man she had only just met, only to find herself weeping uncontrollably? She felt utterly pathetic.

"I'm sorry. I don't want to bore you. Please excuse me." With a delicate sniffle, Nina attempted to delicately dab away the tears that cascaded down her cheeks with the back of her hand, all while maintaining her poise.

"There is nothing you have to apologize for, dear. I'm glad you told me. It's not healthy to keep your pain all for yourself. It's better to tell someone how you feel, even if its a stranger." As he uttered his final words, his countenance transformed from a scowl to a grin, his gaze fixated upon her as he delicately cradled her visage in his palms, tenderly wiping away the tears that had cascaded down her cheeks. Though she yearned to embrace him with all her might, Nina knew such an act would be deemed unsuitable in this moment. Thus, she could only offer a feeble nod and a faint attempt at a smile in return.

"Thank you. I can't explain why I told you all this but somehow I have a strong feeling that I can trust you. Do you think that's strange?"

Erwin delicately caressed Nina's luscious locks before presenting her with a plush towel, allowing her to delicately blot away the perspiration and any remaining tears. "Absolutely not! I'm very flattered that you think of me that way. It makes me feel like we have known each other for a long time now."

Once she had regained her composure to exude an air of sophistication, he resumed his discourse with poise and elegance. "I think we should stop for today. Now that I know what you can do I guess I can make a plan for your workout. I'll see you again tomorrow and you better prepare yourself! You're going to play with the big boys now!"

Her gaze widened in astonishment at the audacious statement. What could he possibly be scheming? The morrow, already? Uncertain if she was prepared for the impending events, Nina cordially exchanged contact information with the debonair Erwin.

"Uhm....well....okay then. I guess I'm dismissed for today?"

Erwin chuckled. "Yes, you are. See you tomorrow. And don't forget what I told you about others chatting behind your back".

"I won't. Thank you so much, Erwin. See you tomorrow".

With a graceful pivot, she made her way towards the dressing room, where Mikasa, her loyal confidante, was already poised to assist. The air was thick with anticipation, and Nina was undoubtedly brimming with inquiries.

As the door closed behind her, Erwin lingered, observing the scene from a distance. His arms were folded across his chest, a picture of poise and elegance. It was then that a familiar voice broke through his reverie, drawing him back to the present moment.

"Oi Erwin. What was going on here? What was this cuddling all about? I told you what I think about this," Levi lamented, his tone devoid of any emotion and frigid.

"Hm. So you watched us the whole time? That's creepy even for you, Levi", Erwin scolded his friend.

With a customary "Tsk" of his tongue, Levi positions himself elegantly next to Erwin, exuding an air of refined sophistication. "I'll tell you everything when we get home".

"You better, or else I have to blame Mikasa for choosing you for this fucking job. You wouldn't want that, would you?"

Erwin let out a deep sigh "Man, you can really be a pain in the ass, ya know?"

"Fuck off, smartass!"

Past doesn't matter (Levi x OC x Erwin) AU/modern +18Where stories live. Discover now