A guest, A dinner, A date?

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wow oh my goodness everyone. You guys showed me so much love on here and on instagram. And for that I had to make this extra juicy. please leave a comment and vote for it too. For those who don't know my instagram name it is @r33dmaterial. Enjoy reading.

"Ok, let us see what we need to get here." Stile said to himself as he scrolled through the notes that he wrote to himself. "Eggs, chicken, broccoli, and spices."

It had been two days snice the romantic dinner date that Stiles and Jackson had at their house. Being the uplifting person Stiles is, he thought that there would be nothing more romantic than to do it for Jackson. Although there was a slight problem, it had also been two days since Stiles had seen Jackson ever sense he walked out on him. Yes, he has gotten text after text explaining to him why he is M.I.A. The station sent him on a case two towns over for an investigation. Stiles tried not to ponder the idea anymore because it would just worry him til he was sick.

After spending an hour in the market with a basket clearly over the budget that he had planned to spend, he made his way to the self check out line. Just to avoid any and all question about the now darker marks on his neck.

*'CLANK'!!!* Was the sound of Stiles basket crashing into another one.

"Oh excuse me, I can hardly see over a lot of this stuff. My apologies ma'am."

"Ma'am?" The slanky voice said. "Since when did this hair count me as a woman? Not one woman in the world could get this hot!"

Stiles veerded his head sidways to see the figure of a slim but mild toned guy with extrem cheek bones and curly hair.

"Isaac!! Buddy, what's been hanging bro?" Stiles charged at him with arms open.

"Nothing much man, just living the good life. Which seems to be better than yours always."

"Oh Isaac, I still see your wearing that same brand of jackass all over you." Stiles pushed back giving a playful punch.

"So Stiles, what's with the..." his hands signaled to his neck.

"Oh, car accident. Some dum ass infront of me stopped for a family of ducks." Knowing that it was a lie sent a blush straight to his face.

"Wow bro, I'm sorry to hear about that. I just thought that you gave too much head to Jackson and that was the results." Isaac laughed as he patted Stiles on the back shaking it off as a joke.

"You know I take my hug back now." He said going back to their baskets unhooking them. "Anyway Isaac I have to go, have a big function going on later."

"Oh, so I will take that as I'm invited??"

"Dressed liked that?? You would be lucky that I don't shoot you in the parking lot."

Isaac looked at himself up and down as he burrowed a frown on his face. He was wearing skinny jeans that fit him just right. An Iron man shirt that looked like it came from Old Navy, with a scarf. Its literally 90 degrees outside and he's wearing a scarf!!!

"What's wrong with the way I'm dressed?" But he was cut off by noticing that Stiles was halfway down the checkout line.

"See you soon Isaac, lets stay in touch." Stiles said with a wave but not even a bother to look back.

He made his way quickly through out the self check out line avoiding any further conversations with anyone he knew. After packing everything into his dads truck, Stiles made the journey to return the basket to the store. He was suddenly stopped when the sight of a black Camero speed past him, leaving a gust of wind in his face.

"Fucking morons," he yelled at them. Stiles forgot he was in a public place and apologized to the mother covering her daughters ears.

"Ok, Stilinski needs music everyone," Stiles said to him entering the highway.

Am I Yours To Keep?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora