Why I don't do PE...

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I flick off my DS and stare at the clock in Learning Support. How come time flies so quickly when I'm playing Pokemon?

I'm not in learning support because I need, well, learning support, I am here because everyone else is outside on the field, running round the track until their legs just slightly ache. I can bearly walk, I'm constantly in chronic pain. My knees lock in positions they really shouldn't be in. They hyper-extend and bend way too far than they should. I can't do sport. I can't even run. And this is all because of my Joint Hypermobility Syndrome.

It is a uncurable illness which rules my life for all the bad reasons. I can injure myself much more easily and it is harder for me to do 'simple' things such as run and do sports. I hurt all the time. Several drugs (which do not help much) sit in my rainbow pill box and I have to take them daily to prevent the pain from becoming so unbearable I can't attend school. Although I do get a lot of time off anyway!

I try and distract my mind from the pain by playing video games. Especially pokemon. I am madly in love with pokemon!!! I have my own virtual reality within my games and I swear I have played all the third generation games at least five times each. Yeah, just slightly addicted.

The clock hits five minutes to our next lesson and I start heading to my next lesson. On the way there I bump into this boy. HE.IS.FRICKIN.GORGEOUS. And he stares at me, his radiant ice-blue eyes glistening in the light. Then he shakes his head, his floppy dirty blonde hair dropping against his eye. "I'm so sorry for staring." He mumbles, and shuffles away. Who was that boy? I'd never seen him before... KEEP YOURSELF TOGETHER ORLA!

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