1.5 'Your Mic's Turned On'

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Howard Stark played by Gerard Sanders


"You ready for this, Tony?"

He looked up at me while taking a step forward and the floor began to shift, revealing the fully built and painted suit we'd been working on for a few months now. "Oh yeah, sis," He smirked, the last piece of the suit, the mask covering his face. "Question is, are you ready?"

"For what? You won't let me come with you."

"That's because you don't have a protective suit of your own and I would feel much better you going into a war zone with one, even though you have powers."

"Ugh!" I sighed dramatically, even though I didn't feel like I was ready to show the world my powers or test them out in the field. "Can you hurry up and go already?"

"You'll contact Rhodes?"

"I'm doing it right now."

I could just imagine him grinning behind his metal helmet and he stepped forward, lifting into the air and out of the workshop. I sighed, sitting back in his chair. "Why do I have to have an overprotective big brother?"

"Your mic's turned on." Tony scolded, his voice coming through the computer speakers which Jarvis had linked his visual and sound feed to.

"Jeez, no privacy either."

"What is it you do for a living again? Model lingerie or something?"

"Alrighty mister, don't sass me!" I grumbled, picking up the phone as I saw Tony zoom across the ocean towards Afghanistan. "I'm trying to contact Rhodes now...no answer."

My eyes fell on the footage coming through his suit, armed men were separating the women and children from the men and one boy escaped the soldier's grip and ran to his father hugging him. "Shoot him!" Abu Bakaar, one of the men who held Tony captive, ordered in his Arabic tongue.


"On it." The heavy suit landed and the men started shooting at him, their expressions frightened.

He easily took out all four of the men shooting at him in his bulletproof suit, stopping when he turned to the five holding the women and children captive. "Stand down," I ordered. "Jarvis, activate shoulder guns, take 'em out."

With the lock-on system we'd included in the suit, the bullets hit the five men, leaving the women and children unharmed. "Hey Izz, you didn't happen to see where Bakaar went did you?"

"Try the building on your right."

Tony narrowed his eyes, the x-ray vision kicking in and showing him Bakaar just inside, dialling someone on the phone. He punched his arm through the wall and dragged the evil man out, dumping him in front of the freed town. "He's all yours."

My brother flew into the air, heading towards the Ten Rings headquarters and his suit picked up on the Jericho missiles they had in stock. It didn't pick up on the tank aiming for him and shooting him out of the sky. His impact caused a large dust cloud to fill the air and everything went silent for a moment.

"Errr, Tony?" I asked, glancing at black screens.

"Yep, still here."

Struggling out of the crater his suit had made, he looked further up the street to see a fully armed tank, wielded by enemy forces. They fired at him once more and Tony gracefully moved out of the way before raising his arm and a small missile shot out of the suit, attaching itself to the body of the tank. Turning around and shrugging off the dust he'd collected, he walked away as the tank blew into fiery pieces.

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