3.7 'It's A Blast'

36 2 0

Maximiliano Hernandez as Agent Jasper Sitwell


The doors to the elevator sealed themselves shut and the device in Natasha's jacket began beeping. She pulled it out and her eyes widened into saucers. "We got a bogey, short-range ballistic, thirty seconds tops."

"Who fired it?"


Steve turned to me wide-eyed. "Can you protect us?"

"Against a missile? Maybe?! But against a missile that's going to destroy a bunker and dump a million thousand tonnes of concrete on top of us? Probably not."

"Right," He immediately began to search around the room for another alternative, eyes landing on the grating in the flooring. "Quick! In here!"

Natasha and I scrambled across the floor, diving into the pit, Steve following with the grating over the top of us the second the missile hit the bunker. Clutching me close to his body, almost under it, he used his strength and shield to cover Natasha and me. Dust, concrete, fire and debris rained down on us. I heard loud large columns topple and the constant trickle of rubble seemed to never stop.

Above me, Steve roared as he fought to keep us from being squashed. Trying hard to focus and not choke on dust, I tried my powers but concrete wasn't made up of enough water and air for me to lift it. I couldn't help Steve, he was alone.

Everywhere suddenly descended into black and the three of us were silent. Beside me, I felt Natasha's breathing. Groaning and using all his strength, Steve rose, lifting the three giant slabs of concrete that had fallen on top of us. He flipped them over, letting in the fresh air.

The fire from the explosive was still burning around us and that was something I could help with. Taking control of the flames I starved them of oxygen to extinguish them. Steve helped both Nat and I out of our little hidey-hole and through the rubble. From a distance, we could still hear the engines of the SHIELD aircraft. They were coming to confirm their kill.

"Come on, quick!" Steve urged.

Natasha seemed a little out of it and had a nasty cut on her forehead. Steve and I got on either side of her, helping her along as we disappeared into the trees and out of the camp.


Basic encoding and cyber security should be taught in schools these days. It was way too easy to track down Sam Wilson's house. Steve knocked on the door while the three of us huddled under the small verandah. When Sam opened the door he didn't look surprised or angry to see us. He was still dressed in his workout gear from his morning run.

"Hey, guys," He stared at the dirt and ash that clung to our clothes and skin.

"I'm sorry about this," Cap apologised. "We need a place to lay low."

"Everyone we know is trying to kill us," Nat explained.

"Yeah, it's a blast," I added, coughing out a cloud of soot.

The pair on either side of me slowly turned to glare at me, saying 'It's too soon to be funny'. One of Sam's brows nearly poked a hole in the roof as he opened the door. "Cap, Isabelle, who's this? Don't tell me y'all are in some sort of threesome?"

I couldn't help but cackle, Steve rolled his eyes and Nat just waved off Sam's confused expression. "Don't encourage her," Steve muttered.

"Guest room has an ensuite, shower in there. I'll get you towels and try to scrounge up some clothes. They might not fit though."

Something To Marvel At :||: Steve RogersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora