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There will be conversations in different languages throughout the book, they will be translated for you. I am getting the translations off google translate so if something isn't correct, I apologise, didn't mean any offence. Now, get over it.

Lots Of Love, Sare xx


Isabelle Stark played by Kiera Knightley


No, it wasn't the throbbing headache that woke me up, it wasn't the rather unattractive snores of the rather attractive man in bed beside me either, it was Martha ripping open my beige drapes, only leaving the sheer curtains to filter in the New York sunlight.

"Time to wake up, Miss Isabelle." Her thick Spanish accent sounded bright and chirpy, and I knew she secretly enjoyed torturing me whenever she got the chance.

I groaned. "You are evil."

"Martha wakes Miss up on time like Miss says."

I peeked out from my brunette bangs and caught a sly smirk she misplaced, as she turned away. "Mal, mal puro." (Evil, pure evil.)

She chuckled, setting down two Aspirin and a glass of water on my bedside table from the little trolley she wheeled around. I begrudgingly sat up, swinging my long tanned legs over the side of the bed. "Qué hay para desayunar?" (What's for breakfast?)

"Tocino y huevos, señorita." (Bacon and eggs, Miss.)

"Yum." I moaned out, rubbing the sides of my face.

There was a loud groan from behind me and the dude rolled over. "What's with all the Spanish?" He spotted Martha, bustling about the room. "Can't you get this spic bitch to go back to where she came from?"

I almost spat out the pills I just swallowed and gave him an incredulous look. "You're still here? Don't you know what a one-night stand is?"

Pushing up off the bed I scoop his discarded clothes up from the floor and walked over to the window of my apartment, sending them soaring to the ground twenty-seven floors down. "You bitch!" He was up in an instant. "Those are my clothes!"

"Really?" I kinked my head sarcastically. "I didn't even notice, suppose I should send this down too?" I held up his phone and loaded wallet.

He was out of my bed quicker than lightning, snatching back his possessions, covering his privates and ran out of my bedroom towards the elevator. "Don't forget to tip the lovely lady."

He chucks a hundred dollar bill through the closing elevator doors and he was gone. Martha and I high-fived. "Alright, I'm going to take a shower and get ready for the presentation, can you have the curling-iron ready?"

She bowed slightly. "Of course, Miss Isabelle."

I smiled at her over my shoulder, walking fully exposed across the room into my ensuite.


"Tony and Isabelle Stark; visionaries; geniuses; American patriots. From an early age the children of legendary weapons developer, Howard Stark, quickly stole the spotlight with their brilliant and unique minds. At age four Tony built his first circuit board, at age six Isabelle built her first engine, at seventeen they both graduated MIT, ten years apart of course...then the passing of a titan.

Howard's lifelong friend and ally, Obadiah Stane, steps in to fill the gap left by the legendary founder, until at age twenty-one Tony is anointed the new CEO of Stark Industries, caring for an eleven-year-old Isabelle. With the keys to the kingdom, the siblings enter a new era for their father's legacy; creating smarter weapons; advanced robotics; satellite targeting. Today, Tony and Isabelle have changed the face of the weapons industry, by ensuring freedom and protecting all American and her interests around the globe.

The lights come back on and the applause dies down, Obadiah placing a congratulating hand on mine. I turned to him. "Every time, every single damn time they never include it."

"Izzy, it has nothing to do with the industry."

"Well it's only the biggest point of my career, not everybody gets signed an Angel at age sixteen, now do they?"

"As aviary to Stark Industries, I've had the wonderful privilege of serving with not one, but two real patriots of our country. Ladies and gentlemen, it's my pleasure to announce this year's Apogee Award to Tony and Isabelle Stark."

A spotlight was cast onto my seat and the empty one beside me, applause ringing throughout the room. I rose, the shimmering golden back-less dress pooling around my ankles that bore four-inch pumps, my hair cascading over my shoulders in casual ringlets. I made my way onto the stage, accepting the award and giving James Rhodes, Tony's best friend a hug, before taking my place at the microphone.

"Thank you so much, this is an amazing opportunity. You know, it's probably a good thing Tony's not here tonight because then we'd be fighting about who'd get to hold the award." A ripple of laughter rang out from the crowd. "I do know though that I can speak for the both of us and say what an honour and accomplishment it is to receive such a prestigious award. So, we thank you all very much for bestowing this to us and hope you enjoy the rest of your evening."

I was greeted by Obadiah at the stairs, offering his hand to help me down but I am a woman of many talents, which include walking in heels down stairs. Making our way out of the function room into the foyer of Caesars Palace, my bodyguard Sawyer tailing me and walked across into the casinos of Las Vegas. Rhodes found him surprisingly easy, right in the middle of a gaggle of skanks.

He turned to his friend happily, but his smile dropped once he saw my stony expression. "I missed it?"

"Tony!" I hissed, giving a childish stomp. "How could you? I flew in from New York, get thrown straight into a presentation and you don't even have the decency to show up!"

"Izz, I'm so sorry." I shoved the darn heavy award into his chest. "Oh pretty. Sure you don't want it?" I glowered at him, turning away to go back to my room. "What? No hug?!"

"Don't push it, Tony!"


Hello everyone!

So, I don't usually do this; write messages in my stories but I feel like I must.

I really want to encourage more interaction between me (the author) and you guys as readers. I want more feedback and comments on things like my writing; grammar, suggestions, is the mood changing a lot? Confusing? And characters; such as their development, or what you do and don't like (Be warned, I do have my own agenda for my own characters.) But please, I look forward to hearing from you!

So, I want to know what you think of the chapter? Honesty is key but please be polite.

Please chuck us a vote!

Check out A Writer's Collection to find all bonus content. It's a place where extra information on your favourite works of mine and characters can be found. If anyone wants something specific, you can message me. Please, please, please, check it out!

There will be an identical message at the end of each chapter just as a reminder.

Love always, Sare xx

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