4.3 'Create A Killer Robot!'

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Ft. Captain Steve Rogers


The wall erupted as the rest of the Iron Legion burst through it, sending glass, plaster and decorative tiles everywhere. I yelled in pain as my magic surged, halting the three suits in their path, my muscles straining due to my power responding so quickly. The team jumped into action, using the valuable seconds I gave them, Steve and Thor taking on a single suit each, the rest running to their weapons. Tony and Rhodey were side by side heading for the lab, while Natasha began shooting, protecting Bruce who scrambled out of the line of fire.

"Don't turn green!" She shouted.

Thor sent one of the suits flying across the room, while Steve tackled another but the strength of the third one pushing against my power was too much and I dropped to the ground as it flew over me.

Thor used his hammer to split his attacker in half, the top half hitting the bottom floor of the huge room before coming to life again. It raised it's hand toward Dr Cho, who had woken up on another set of couches due to all of the commotion and was crouching behind the grand piano in the corner.

"Don't you dare," I swiped my hand, sending the suit back toward Thor who obliterated it. "That's my mother's piano."

Grabbing a steak knife, my brother ran up the stairs and jumped onto the suit that was firing at Nat and Banner, who were hiding behind the bar. The suit began trying to throw Tony off it, its automatic recording blaring to life. "It's not safe. It's not safe."

"Stark!" Steve grunted, the robot he was dealing with sending him into a wall, before he slid toward the ground. I flung out my hand, stopping him from slamming into the floor right before he hit, lowering him softly instead.

"Yeah, just a minute!" Tony stabbed the knife between the gaps in the suit and twisted. The robot he was hanging off tumbled back to earth and I focused my power on Tony, solidifying the air beneath him before lowering him too.

The last remaining robot turned to me and raised its arms, the lasers in the palm of its 'hands' glowing with power. My magic surged to the surface and I grunted, swiping my arms towards each other through the air. The metal suit twisted, mangling so badly it split into three pieces.

I hunched over, exhausted from the amount of power I had used and how fast I had summoned it, not used to that much energy coursing through my body. "Izzy, are you alright?" Steve appeared beside me, his serious captain voice present, but he placed a hand on my back in concern.

"Mmmmh," I hummed, trying not to vomit.

"That was dramatic," Ultron drawled and we turned to where his limping form still stood. "I'm sorry, I know you mean well. You want to protect the world but you don't want it to change. How is humanity 'saved' if it's not allowed to evolve? There's only one path to peace... the Avenger's extinction."

"Cap, heads up!" Clint called, tossing Steve's shield through the air.

The captain easily caught it, slinging it off once again and the vibranium metal sliced right through Ultron's middle. The robot fell over in two pieces, the light draining from its eyes.

I straightened, frowning at the state of the room which had been destroyed by lasers and flying robot suits. Whipping around to face my brother, I glared at him. "What. Did. You. Do?!"


"All our work is gone," Bruce informed the group, standing around the lab. "Ultron used the Internet as an escape hatch."

"Ultron?" Steve asked, his voice low and deadly.

"He's been in everything," Nat scrolled through a computer. "Files, surveillance. He probably knows more about us than we know about each other."

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