"Lady's don't speak that way. Me on the other hand have to with some people." I smiled.

"You Bitch!" She yelled.

"Shut up." I said hearing something.

"Why should I?" She asked.

"Shut the hell up!" I said. I grabbed Eddy close to me, gun fire. My arm hurt,

"Would you look at that." I said grabbing my gun.

"What are you-" I shot at the roof, the person fell. I shot by the fountain, they shot back, it ripped some of her dress.

"Come on." I said. Eddy ran inside, I closed the doors. He went up the stairs us following. He walked into my drawing room. The two 'men' sitting there.

"What is it eddy?" Alois asked him.

"Get me a rag." I said.

"What happened to your arm!" Ciel asked grabbing one.

"They ripped my dress!" Lizzy whined.

"Elizabeth wouldn't shut up so I didn't have a chance to kill them before I got hit." I said.

"I'll-" Eddy asked Alois to pick him up.

"Right. I'll do it later." He told Eddy.

"There's got to be more." Ciel added more pressure to stop the blood.

"I'll let them handle it." Delilah stepped out the room. Claude came in,

"Might I?" He asked Ciel.

Ciel stepped away. Claude did all the things to fix my arm. Licking some of my blood.

"Damn Demon." I whispered. He smiled at me then walked out again. My arm already bandaged.

"Let's all stay in here." Alois said. Gun shots went off outside the room.

"They ripped my dress." Lizzy whined.

"It's just a dress. I'll send it to get fixed or maybe Sebastian will." Ciel told her.

"But I liked this dress!" She whined.

"Shut up! You're going to give me a headache." I said.

"Why don't you shut up." She mumbled.

"Shut up!" Alois yelled. Ciel didn't say anything but continue his game of chess with Alois. Lizzy sat down,

"There asking for payment." Claude said opening the door.

"A weird amount if you will." Sebastian added.

"What's there price?" I asked.

"Well it's in dollars." Sebastian said.

"Dollars? People from America?" Ciel asked.

"Might be." I said.

"$85,000." Claude said.

"Kill them." Alois said. They both left.

"Wonder who you made a rival with." Lizzy smirked.

"Probably the people coming for revenge against the man I killed." I said.

"When did you kill someone?" Alois asked.

"As soon as I got there." I smiled.

"All clear." Delilah came in with a needle and thread.

"Elizabeth now shut up about ur dress. This is my kindness." I said. Delilah went and stitched it.

"I would have preferred if Ciel would've got me a new one." She muttered.

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