"Oh, yeah. What do you think it was?"

"Knowing the Avengers, it's probably just aliens or something. Really, those guys are just drawing attention to Earth. I'm actually kind of glad they disbanded..." James muttered the last part, rolling his eyes as he smiled at her. "What about you?"

"I don't know...I guess it could be aliens. It would make sense." She handed him the bills, putting the two warmed up and bagged pastries into her backpack and holding the drinks in her hands. "Thanks, James. I'll see you later!" She nodded at him, unable to use her hands.

"Have a good day, Griffin!" He waved as she left the shop, a smile still on his lips.

The walk back to her apartment went by faster than she expected it to, as the morning food traffic on the sidewalks was basically gone. People were most likely still surrounding Avengers Tower in hopes of getting a glimpse of the billionaire himself. Again, rather pointless. Anyway, she opened up the door to her apartment and kicked it closed. She took off her backpack as she walked to the small dining table, taking out the two pastries and setting them down with the drinks. Her eyes snapped over to the bed when she heard rustling, raising her eyebrows as the guy sat up against the wooden headboard of the bed after flicking the note off of his forehead.

"Are you hungry? I have food and coffee if you want," she picked up the mocha and muffin, setting them on the nightstand beside the bed before settling in on a chair with her own latte and croissant. The man looked at her for a few seconds before staring at the food on the nightstand. "It might be a bit hot."

"Who are you." This time it wasn't a question, more of a statement.

"Griffin Ryder. Who are you?"

"Not of importance. How did I get here?" She rolled her eyes as he skirted around the question, choosing to not call him out on it.

"I found you in the park last night and brought you back here."

"Where is here?"

"My apartment in Manhattan, New York." Maybe if she just answered his questions he would tell her who he was.

"Where's my stuff."

"I'm washing your cloak right now since it's covered in blood, your boots are right there," she pointed at the shoes beside the bed, "your shirt is basically torn in half, your helmet is over there," she motioned towards a shelf as she took a long slurp of her coffee, "and your rifle thing is leaning up against that wall over there." The guy nodded, seemingly satisfied with that answer.

"Why didn't you act like a normal person and call the cops? I could be a murderer for all you know."

"Eh, you don't seem like a murderer. If you're going to kill me, though, I'd think long and hard about that choice." She said rather nonchalantly, taking a bite of her croissant as she stared at him. "Now, what's your name?"


She scowled at him, rolling her eyes as she scoffed. "Of Asgard? You piece of shit."

"Wow, thanks. It's been years since I attacked New York, that's like a century to you humans!"

"Hold the fuck up, you attacked New York? Wow, you really are a dick!"

"Wait, you didn't know about The Incident? Why do you not like me, then? You don't know my oaf of a brother, Thor, do you?"

"No of course not. I hate your whole planet." She growled, finishing off her coffee and placing it and the muffin wrapper on the ground beside her feet.

"Why is that? I don't think Asgard waged war on your planet." He reached over for the cup of coffee, narrowing his eyes at it. Loki took a sip, crinkling his nose slightly at the hot liquid but kept drinking anyway.

"Because you fuckers destroyed my home planet a few hundred years ago. Remember Nallia?" He raised an eyebrow in confusion before suddenly coughing on his coffee.

"I thought we killed you all-"

"Fucking hell, you don't even care that you basically murdered us all."

"How are you alive?"

"After you dicks killed our queen, a few hundred people escaped and moved to a different planet and set up a new empire with my family at the helm. As you probably know, we used to be a tech-based empire, but we moved into sorcery a hundred or so years ago." She put her feet up on the bed, crossing her arms as she glared at him. Perhaps if she gave more of a shit about Nallia, she would've killed him, but currently, she's been exiled and could care less about that planet.

"Wait, so why are you on Midgard?"

"Because I escaped from Nallia three years ago. I've been hiding out here since then. They're too scared to land on a planet owned by Asgard." The girl stated casually, pushing her chair back onto two legs. "Why are you on Earth?"

Loki didn't answer immediately, pursing his lips slightly as he brought his legs up into a criss-cross form with his hands in his lap. "Well, I faked my death to Thor and disguised myself as Odin for a short while, since he fell into Odinsleep. After he woke up, I took a back portal to Romalin and hid out there for two years before some lady found me. I tried to fight her, but she had this weird magic on her side. She slashed me with a weird, glowing gold sword before shoving me into a portal where I ended up here."

"The sword...it didn't happen to look anything like this, did it?" She held out her palm out towards the ceiling, vines of blue and silver wrapping around her arm and fingers. It solidified into a glowing blue longsword, the hilt blazing silver.

"Yeah, but gold. Are you saying you know who attacked me?"

Griffin nodded, the sword disappearing as she dropped the chair back to four legs and stood up. "Did you get a good look at her face?" She asked, beginning to pace back and forth in front of the bed.

"Not really, I was kind of busy trying not to die." He hissed, glaring at her as he straightened his back.

"Don't get sassy with me, Loki. Do you want me to help you or not?"

He rolled his eyes, mumbling something to himself that she couldn't quite hear before saying, "She had straight dark brown hair...her eyes were glowing gold, I think..."

"Hmm...That was probably an assassin. Nallia has a legion of assassins all with gold colored magic whose primary objective is to take out threats to their planet. Queen Lyra probably heard that you had left Asgard by yourself and sent them after you. It's weird that she didn't kill you straight away, though."

"Wait, why do you have different colors of magic?"

"Oh, there's a different color for each rank. The queen has red and gold, the engineer - me - has blue and silver, the assassins have gold, regular sorcerers usually have either green or purple and the city folk, if they can even do magic, have pink. Of course, colors change sometimes, but that doesn't happen often. Like when Queen Lyra went from assassin to Royalty, her color changed. And when my father married into my family and became an engineer, his turned from green to blue."

"Ok, so you think an assassin from your planet came after me?"

"It's the most likely answer. Lyra is still pretty pissed at Asgard since you guys quite literally murdered almost all of us." She growled, sending a glare his way before hopping over the back of the couch and sitting down.

"And how can I be sure that you aren't going to kill me?"

"I don't need to kill you, therefore I won't. If you stand in my way for whatever reason, however," her tone became low and threatening, showing her seriousness of the topic, "I will not hesitate to drive my sword through your skull."

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