01 (2); Thoughts

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Man. It's been 2 days since we all met up.

I sigh, picking up the phone that Chaeyeon had bought for us.

Our agency, Jellyfish, agreed to letting us all have phones including our Gugudan members- but they said we have to use them responsibly.



Oh, it's our group chat.

"VitaSom: Yo guys"


"Doyeon: WhaSsUp"

Before I realize it myself, another sigh escapes from my mouth. I mute my phone and fall down onto the practice room floor, lying on the cold wood.

It's not that I'm annoyed. I'm not mad at anyone. I guess I'm just tired.

I massage the corner muscles of my mouth while still lying down. Sometimes, it's hard to keep smiling.

Well, at least I'm being a bit more honest with myself. At least I now know other expressions that aren't smiling. At least I can accept when I'm stressed and whatnot.

Sure, you're being honest with yourself. But what's the point in that? You're just accepting who you are. No one else knows.

I exhale slowly, calming myself.

Damn, life's hard.

How exactly do I talk about my worries?

I mean, everyone's worrying about something. A problem of some sort. So when would they have time to worry about mine?

Let's just fight it out, Sejeong-ah. Just keep it in.

Just like you've been doing all these years.

A/N: So for Sejeong's segment, I just wanted to let y'all know that I'mma be writing her corner through experience. Meaning, I've been through the things I'm writing about that Sejeong is "supposedly" challenging in this story. This is, of course, similar to her problem in real life where she can't easily open up, but please don't believe everything in this story. Sejeong is definitely getting better at opening up, especially to her Gugudan members and on various shows. I'm not aiming to give any of our OT11 I.O.I members bad reputations, so just keep that in mind. Thanks!

A/N #2: Sorry, again, that this was so short ^^; Because it's September now, school has started for me. I'll keep updating this story- not just for the readers but also for myself- but I won't as often. Maybe once a week, twice at most? But because I won't be updating as often, I'll make sure the chapters I publish are more detailed and they aren't rushed! Sorry about that, haha~

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