Justice Society of America

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Sorry it's been so long, but writing these chapters is a lot of work, but luckily I  found another way to shorten the time it takes. I didn't know you guys like this story so much, it was just supposed to be a project on the side. Thank you for all your support

Sara turned at the all to familiar sound of a shutgon. She turned around slowly and strategically looked around for possible exits for her team. She studied all of the costumed freaks and looked for weaknesses in case it comes to having to fight our way out if this.

"You can try to take the girl out of the assassin, but you can't take the assassin out of the girl." Thea surmmizes

"I may not be the biggest fan of you, but i am glad you taught Sara to be cautious and safe." Quentin admits to the heir

"Your praise is unneeded. I did everything in my power to keep Sara safe even if it meant risking my own body. You may not like me, but Sara once told me I am somewhat of an aqquired taste as you Americans like to say. You can dislike me, but my love for your daughter was never in question." The Heir clipped back

"I only just met you, but I am already fascinated by you and your personality. I have been told I have good taste." Cat informed. She has been watching and listening to this ex-assassin the whole time and has been blown away by the fierceness, Power and loyalty she portrays.

"Please tell me Mrs. Grant isn't flirting with Nyssa right now?" Kara whispers to her Sister

"Can you blame her? And relax she is just being friendly." Alex reassures her little sister.

Sara's investigation is interrupted by Nate Fanboying.

"Oh my God!... You're Commander Steel!!" Nate says in awe.

The Commander responds by doing a flip off The crate he was previously on.

Showoff Sara says to herself, she can easily out flip the rejected Captain America.

"The rejected Captain America!! That's Gold" Cisco weezes out between his laughing fit. Barry clapped his best friends back for support.

"Where did Sara learn to do Parkour? I have seen her do it a couple times and I am always blown away. I assume she learmed it in the League." Caitlin asks looking to Nyssa

"Parkour was one of the many things Sara did to rebel in her teen years. She was also a dancer so that helped, but she has definitely improved so my guess is she perfected it during her time away" Quentin said looking at Nyssa to answer the unspoken question.

Nyssa nods "Sara already knew basic flips and tricks before the league. She did perfect the craft though during training" Nyssa informs the group

"I can't imagine that tricking is part of the league's normal training." Iris wonders confused

"It is to a point. Agility and Flexibility IS a major part of training, but when Sara didn't get a certain move or take down I would tell her to act like its a dance step or a Flip. It was easier and faster for her to learn. It also helps with the silks." The Raven haired assassin smiled remebering the long hours of teaching Sara to fight and move.

"That's actually pretty smart." Harry spoke up and received a cold glare from the assassin.

"Don't insult my intelligence." Nyssa warned with a deadly glare. Harry through his hands up in surrender.

"Who the Hell are you?" Steel asked getting into Nate's face

"Woah Woah, Just relax we're all friends here. Rex Tyler told us about the JSA, you guys are awesome!" Ray praised trying to defuse the situation.

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