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I was inspired by the fan fiction watching the Legends Glitch Through Time (I recommend it) and decided to do something similar. The Arrowverse is watching the legends adventures, it's like a movie. It is going to follow Sara, because 1) She's my favorite Arrowverse character 2) She's Captain. This starts at Season 2 of Legends and a little bit of Season 3. I am ignoring some events that happened. All will be explained as story goes on. The characters in this story are

Legends: Sara, Mick, Ray, Nate, Amaya, Stein and Jax

Arrow: Oliver, Felicity, Nyssa, Thea, Roy, Diggle, Laurel, Quentin

Flash: Barry, Cisco, Caitlin, Joe, Iris, Harry, Clarissa, Lily

Supergirl: Kara, Cat, Alex, J'onn, Winn
First Chapter I am hoping will be up very very soon.

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