Chapter 15: Payback

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His gurgled cries and pleading eyes made me leap off of him stumbling back. It resurfaced horrid memories of my father’s last moments. He could be someone’s father; he was someone’s child. Someone’s child or father who would know no longer has one.

Appalled at myself for what I’d done I kneeled next to the man; at first his eyes spoke legions of fear. But he relaxed as I pressed my hand against his cheek.

“I’m sorry; none of this was your fault. But I must take a stand against the King. For me and for the people of this country; people will die. I am sorry you had to be one.” A look of understanding crossed his features.

The dagger was still in my hand; I looked down at it. The man’s thick blood coated the dagger to its hilt and spilled onto my hand. A large hand wrapped around my mine; the one holding the dagger. I glanced up at the man; he brought my hand up to his throat laying the dagger across it. I noticed the pain clear in his dark eyes as well as fear of dying.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered my face contorting in pain a tear slipping from my eye. His hand left mine on the dagger and took my right hand giving it a squeeze; he nodded to me sadness in his eyes. I had to put him out of the suffering I had placed him in.

Closing my eyes I squeezed his hand; he returned the gesture. I applied pressure to the dagger severing his jugular, a gurgled cough left his lips and the tension in his hand holding mine faded. Opening my eyes I saw the last bits of life fade from his brown eyes.

“I am sorry again.” I took his hand from mine and crossed his arms over his chest drawing his sword from his scabbard and placing the hilt in his hands. The burying position of a king; I closed his open eyes. Getting up I headed towards Moorwin. Blood was on both of my hands and my leather vest. 

‘Ariya!’ Moorwin cried smelling the blood.

‘I’m fine,’ I lied through my teeth. I was fine physically but mentally I was ripped apart; I had just killed a man. Stolen his life right before him; but the thought that kept pestering my mind was that he wouldn’t be the last I would steal life from.

‘Ariya, people are going to die.’ Moorwin whispered picking up on my thoughts. He brushed his head against mine.

‘I know,’ I replied shedding a few tears for the man but quickly wiped them away. I couldn’t afford to be weak; not anymore. I would cause death and I had to accept that. Taking and deep breath I climbed onto Moorwin’s back.

I took my bow off and knocked an arrow, biting my lip I swiftly came to terms with what I was about to do. I gave Moorwin vague ideas of where we were headed; having more powerful senses than I he quickly found the camp.

I encouraged him to fly higher to not allow the knights to take notice of us. Moorwin was flying low enough I could shoot an arrow. Drawing back the bow string I focused on one of the men at the edge taking watch. Releasing the arrow it zipped from the bow and into the Knight’s heart. He crumpled to the ground dead.

I shot down two more guards and each time apologizing for their deaths. I slowly moved in picking them off. I foolishly made the mistake of going in to far. As he fell over stone cold dead a fellow knight passed by; he began to yell for the men to call to arms. I inwardly yelled at myself, the knights began to scramble around collecting weapons and bits of armor they could manage.

‘Get me low.’ Moorwin followed my command diving down. Screams erupted from the camp as Moorwin soared down. I jumped from his back rolling onto the dusty ground I jumped to my feet drawing the Glamoric sword.

Men were on me like lightening. I tried my best to fend them off with the skills my father had shown me in the art of the sword. I had taken down to men when a third caught me by the hair yanking me to his chest.

“You’re a pretty little thing. Bet you’ve never been touched.” He laughed cruelly into my ear. His lust reminded me disgustingly of the King. Throwing out my hand I summoned the fire from the bon fire that roared. A clump of fire leapt from the center and into my hand. The man shocked and baffled didn’t react fast enough. The fire was hovering in my hand; his eyes were fearful as I threw it into his face.

He screamed patting out the flames. I hadn’t a clue how I had summoned the fire; it had to be instinctual. Whipping around the same man charged me his face red and blistered rivulets of blood dripping down his face.

“You bitch!” He howled. By now many of the sleeping men had awoken and were being called to arms.

‘Moorwin!’ I called nervously. He was there in seconds; in his magnificent glory. His blue hide glowed in the orange fire; sapphire eyes glinting in rage. Moorwin landed behind the blistered man with a loud thud. Tensing the man slowly turned around to meet a face full of razor sharp teeth growling at him.

Moorwin opened his jaws; I saw the spark of fire as he let dragon fire pour from his mouth dousing the man in flames. The flames blasted me as well causing no harm besides the singeing of my clothes. By this time Jonah had obviously noticed the signal and was upon the camp in a flood of anger followed by at least a dozen men.

I had taken down most of the men with my arrows but there was still too many for me to take down by myself; Jonah had remarkable timing. They swiftly took down all the men. But the struggles and yelling provoked me rush over to a group of two gypsy men hovering over a boy no older that fifthteen.

“Stand down,” I told the men. They both barely spared me a glance. “I said stand down.” I repeated my voice colder and stiffer. It wasn’t until then they realized who in fact I was.

“Sorry Milady.” Said one. They stepped back allowing me forward. I kneeled next to the boy his ruffled blonde hair and dirt covered face.

“Don't attempt to run away, I have a dagger that I can throw quiet well.” I threatened. I wouldn’t not be taken for a damsel in distress.

“…ver.” he stuttered.

“What is your name?”

“Théoden son of Riorodan.” He said his voice gaining confidence.

“Well Théoden; I need you to do something for me.”


“Tell the King; I am coming for him and he better be ready.”

“Who are you?”

“My name is Ariya Kingsly; and I am the dragon heir.” 

ȼhɨℓď ๏ƒ ƒɨя€ (ώąţţ¥ ąώąяď$ 2012) OLD VERSIONDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora