Story 7

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Demonic Prank

Someonelse's POV

This story took place about 17 years ago. My best friend, Nora, and I were very interested in the occult, as many teenagers are, despite our Christian upbringings. We did séances, tarot cards, practiced ESP, OBE, etc. In fact, we went so far as to practice these things at the Catholic church where my friend worked in the evenings as a secretary (though not in the sanctuary).

One evening, we were sitting in the sanctuary just talking and listening to the organist rehearse on the balcony, which was over the pulpit. As I looked at him, his head became almost obliterated by a haze, and a translucent image of his head appeared next to his real head. Well, I thought, "Hey, there's something wrong with my eyes or else I'm going crazy." I was not on drugs, as I'm sure some of you are thinking (never have been). Anyway, I wanted to find out if I was really seeing that, but I didn't want to implant any ideas in her head either, so I asked, "Do you see what I see?" She replied, "His head is floating next to his body." At that moment (I swear I'm not making this up!), a black cat ran out from under one of the pews and Nora was like, "Oh, no! We've got to get that cat out of here before I get fired."

So off we went looking for this cat (which we never found), and in the process we discovered the basement of this church which had this OVERWHELMING aura of evil. It was sometimes suffocating in its intensity. Strange things began to happen over the course of the next year (until my friend actually was fired). Water flooded the basement at one point from a room that we never could find again. Another friend (who was also acquainted with The basement) and I ran into her grandfather's doppleganger three times within a couple of weeks after his death. No, we didn't stop to talk with him, but rather ran in the opposite direction. Once when we were sitting in my room talking about The Basement, my Ouija board, which was sitting on top of some clothes on my desk, moved (you can call it gravity if you want) every time we said the name of the church. We dismissed it as coincidence the first few times, but when it fell to the floor the fourth time we said the name of the church, the four of us jumped up and ran screaming from the room. I was the last person out and was the only one who actually SAW the thing move on the flat floor (that was NOT gravity).

Too many things happened to actually go into it all, but my friends and I became convinced that there was a demonic portal in that basement. It was fun and scary and kind of addicting, but I gradually started to experience some reservations about what we were getting into and turned my life back to God. I haven't experienced anything like that since (angels, however, are another thing.) I don't know what to make of what we saw in the sanctuary that day. A demonic prank? A ploy to get us in the basement? Whatever it was it worked.


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