Unwanted Visitors And Titan Trouble

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There was something horrible wrong. Very, very wrong.  Levi noticed just before he woke up. It was cold instead of warm and he tried to find Erwin with his arm. There was no one else in the bed with him. 

His eyes flung open and he sat up in a defensive position. "Look who woke up." A voice sneered. Levi's ability, gotten from that weird injection, to see in the dark helped him this time. But what he saw made his blood run cold. 

Erwin sat tied to a chair, gagged. And behind him stood that bastard Kenny. Erwin's eyes showed slight fear, but mostly it was concern. And Levi knew that was meant for him. 

"Kenny..."  Levi said slowly. He stood and grabbed his shirt from the other chair in the room. "What are you doing here?" Levi asked, his voice laced with venom. His tail swipped around in a dangerous manner, close to Kenny. Kenny swatted it away and pointed his gun at Levi. 

"Your not scared?" Kenny asked, a smirk covering his lips. Levi smirked too and turned around. "Cause you are in a house, with me, and seven more Scouts." Then Levi smashed his foot on the floor three times. Kenny heard footsteps approach and the door flew open.

Rebecca was the first to enter and she tackled Kenny. That girl has guts. Levi thought as he began untying Erwin. Erwin stood quickly and wrapped his arms around Levi. Levi pushed him aside just as Kenny fired at them. 

Erwin fell to the side, caught by Eren. The shot got blocked by Levi's tail, but he did get shoved back and smashed through the window. Levi heard his name being cried as he hit the ground. Luckily, his tail caught the fall and he sprang back up the window, only to crash into Kenny who was flung out. 

Kenny smashed his fist into Levi's stomach and Levi hunched over in pain. This gave Kenny the opportunity he had wanted. "She's waiting for you Levi..." He said as he smashed his head in the ground. Effectively knocking the younger male out.

Meanwhile, Erwin ran downstairs with the rest of Levi's squad. When they came outside they saw Kenny fly away with his Gear, and to their horror, he had Levi. Erwin cursed and told the kids to get their Gear. He did the same and then they pursued the man. 


Levi groggily opened his eyes for a second time. The first time he did Kenny knocked him on the head and he was out again. This time it was different. "That bitch." Levi murmured. He sat up from the bed he was lying in and looked around. He was in that same god damn place as before. 

Standing, he walked over to the door and saw it was locked. He heard voices and saw shadows but he had no intention to escape this time. He knew Erwin would be on his tail and would find him. He just had to wait. 

Suddenly the door flew open and the woman with black hair and the red dress walked in. She looked mad, really mad. "Levi, you bastard." She said. Levi smirked. "So I didn't kill you, what a shame." He replied. 

Out of anger the woman slapped him. Levi growled and pounced her. But she was ready and plunged a needle in his arm. The liquid that was in it streamed into his blood. "What the hell?" He pulled back. 

His limbs began feeling heavy and his eyes fluttered closed. "If you do anything to me, I will kill you." He said before he fell into a crumpled heap onto the floor. The woman smiled and tied him to the bed. "You will be mine once more." She said. 


Erwin softly entered the building. He had Rebecca, Mikasa, Eren and Armin with him, the rest was stationed outside the building. Erwin lead the group carefully through the hallways of the building. Rebecca halted for a moment. 

"What is it?" Erwin asked her. "Trouble, let me and Eren deal with it." She said as she rounded a corner and told them to go the other way. Soon the rest of them heard swords cling and shots fired. Eren and Rebecca probably found the enemy.

Erwin quickly let the team search every room. He opened one and froze. Levi was tied to a bed and a woman with black hair in a red dress was with her back to him. Levi wasn't conscious. Erwin opened the door wider and stepped in. The woman heard him and turned. 

"Who the hell are you?" She sneered. "Who the hell are you, and what did you do to Levi?" Erwin raised his sword at her and she backed up a bit. "Now, now. Easy going. I'm a friend." Erwin's eyes grew cold. "Liar." He said slowly.

The woman backed up more with a sheepish smile and Erwin raised his sword. "Stop!" He then heard a familiar voice say. Turning around Erwin glanced at Levi. "Don't kill her." He said to him. Erwin lowered his sword, growled at the woman and ran to Levi. 

Levi stretched his limbs and hugged Erwin shortly. "Why you..." The woman snarled. "Back off bitch." Levi said. The woman gasped. "Levi, who is she?" Erwin asked. "Nobody you need to know off, I'll kill her though." The woman gasped again. 

"You wouldn't?" She said. "Only if you say never to come after me again or send Kenny to kill me. Cause I will hunt you till you die by my hand or your own." Levi snarled. The woman nodded slowly and then crumpled down to the floor. She had thought it was different but nothing worked in her favor anymore.

"Let's go." Levi said. Then suddenly the building shook and the scream of a Titan could be heard. Levi's eyes widened and he said to Erwin. "Who did you bring?" Erwin counted on his fingers and said, "Sasha, Connie, Jean, Armin, Mikasa Eren and Rebecca. Connie, Sasha and Jean outside the rest inside." Levi growled. "Two fucking Titan's in a building. This thing is going to come down on our heads." 

He looked sideways at the woman and told Erwin to bring her to safety. Then he ran out of the room to bump into Armin. "Armin, where are the others?" Levi asked quickly. "M-Mikasa is with Eren and Rebecca turned Titan on Kenny." Armin stuttered. Levi told him to help Erwin and then he ran of in the direction of Titan Rebecca. 

Levi rounded the last corner, avoiding broken pieces of ceiling, and froze. The scene before him was devastating. 

"Holy Hell." Was all he could say before something slammed into him and his world was engulfed in darkness.  


Hi everyone! Sorry I took long updating the story and I know it's lame and all but I do like it, and I hope you all do to. So this is it and sorry for the cliffhanger. Hehe. Yeah, not really. Anyways. Bye~

~Titan Rebecca

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