Progress In Friendship

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A soft breeze ruffled his black hair. A nice smell made its way to his nose. His eyes scanned the area for the source of it and his ears listened for any type of sound. When a loud yell could be heard he smirked and ran down the hill. 

The house was small, clean and looking beautiful. He liked it. The yell came again and he quickly opened the door to stop the person from yelling his name again. A man with blond hair and blue eyes turned around to face him. 

In his hands a lovely looking pie, ready from the oven. He smiled at his companion and put the pie on the wooden table in the room. He walked to his friend and hugged him lovingly. 

"Levi, where did you go this time?" 

Levi looked up at the man he loved. "The hill." He answered with a smirk. The man face palmed and said, "I should have known." He let go of Levi and walked to the table. Taking a knife, he cut the pie in pieces and handed one to Levi. 

 "Thanks, Erwin." 

Levi sat down and took a bite of his pie. "Wow! It's really good." He exclaimed. Erwin smiled at him and took a bite himself. "Yes it is." He said. Levi finished his pie and stood. "I think I'll go check on Eren and Rebecca." Erwin nodded. 

Levi quickly ran out of the house and up the hill again. He jumped up the tree that stood there and looked over a field on the other side. There he saw two fifteen meter Titans working together to build a little cabin. 

One had a crazy bunch of brown hair and piercing green eyes, he was a male. The other had long red hair falling down her back. She had one blue eye and one red eye, she was a female. And together they made a good team. 

Levi jumped of the tree and ran down the hill. He stopped at the foot of it and looked at the cabin the two Titans had made. "Good work, Eren, Rebecca!"He shouted at the beasts. The female looked at him and picked him up.

"What is it?" Levi asked. Rebecca held him in her hand and showed him the building from above. Eren was working hard and concentrated on the small thing, it was obviously hard for him. Levi was glad he could do things like this again. It made him want to smile and forget about all the nasty things in live. 

So that is what he did. He thought about how Erwin had helped him out of the underground and into the light of the sun. This kid and his friends did the same for him now. He was happy. 

Eren looked up at him and roared softly. Levi smiled at him and motioned for Rebecca to put him down. He watched as Eren handed Rebecca the last log of the roof and she placed it carefully on the building. 

Then she made a noise that sounded much like a 'done!' and looked at Levi. Levi looked at the cabin and walked to it. It even had a door and windows. He opened the door and stepped in. It was full of room and people could actually live here. 

He walked back out and saw Eren and Rebecca were out of there Titan forms. Eren smiled at him and Rebecca walked to him. "You could live here." Levi told her. Rebecca beamed and smiled at Eren. "It's big enough for, let me think.....You and Eren, Jean and Armin, Sasha and Connie and Mikasa. All friends together." Levi said. 

Eren yelled out a loud yes and ran up the hill. "Thanks you." Rebecca said to Levi and he smiled at her. "Yeah, it's alright." He waved at her to go after Eren. She smiled at him one more time and then ran after Eren. 

Levi walked up the hill and stood next to Erwin, who had been watching. "So? How was it?" Erwin asked. "Good, there a good team." Levi answered. Erwin smiled and wrapped his arm around Levi. Levi wrapped his tail and his arm around Erwin, for as far as possible. 

The two watched as Eren and Rebecca and all their friends came up with stuff to put in the house. They all looked so happy. Rebecca stopped in front of Levi as the rest ran further. 

"Heichou, thank you." She said. "For what?" Levi asked. "For letting me join your team and make some friends!" She said and ran after the others. Levi didn't know what to say, for a moment he was frozen. 

Erwin chuckled and kissed the top of Levi's head. "Let's join them." He said and grabbed Levi's hand, pulling him down hill to his team. 

Yeah, this is just what I needed. Levi thought as he looked over all his friends. 


Hey everyone! Sorry for not uploading for a long time. I am on vacation and I have little to no inspiration. So yeah. Nevermind. Hope you liked this chapter and till next time! Bye!


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