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All I want to tell you is is that I can't be around you anymore all because it means I wouldn't be able to touch you or hold you in my hands. All I want to tell you is that it's because you met her and you decided you wanted to get serious all because you really like her. It's all because yo dropped the no-so-subtle hints that you wanted someone to love that I was too scared to say I still loved you all because last time I thought we were on the same page you ended up shattering me into ten million pieces. All I want to tell you is that I can't get you out of my heart all because you treat me at least half as well as my dad treats my mom. All I want to tell you is that I need you by my side all because you make me feel whole again. All I want to tell you is that I've been in love with you all this time, all seven years, all because you decided to say "happy birthday" on the day I turned 18.

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