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To a lot of people you're a nobody, but for as long as I knew you, you were a somebody—well you weren't just a somebody; you were everybody. To her you might be a somebody, but you're not her everybody. She doesn't see you in everybody else's eyes when she talks to them like how I see you in his eyes when he does little things like call me love. Remember when you use to call me love? I liked when you called me love, but now you call her love and she's just over here calling you somebody.

Just somebody.

Not everybody.

Not love. 


She doesn't call you love. I call you love because you are love. But he thinks I'm love and you think she's love, but there was a point when you thought I was love and I thought you were love, but that point is over, so I guess now there is no love, at least not a mutual love. Not for us nobodies.

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