Jensen Freaking Ackles

Start from the beginning

"I'll have Misha and Jared stop and get it. They want to come to check in on you see if your feeling okay. You've been having some pretty bad panic attacks (Y/N). You had everyone worried sick. Jared hasn't gotten any sleep because he's been worried and Gen is making things a little complicated. He's trying to compromise something with her but he won't tell me what it is."

"You shouldn't be worried about me. Neither of you should." Jensen does a little side glance at you before sighing very loudly. A lot like Dean would when him and Sam would get into an argument about anything.

"We should be really worried actually. The paramedics said it could be worse. They said that you are having minor panic attacks and they could get worse. You just need to be less stressed out. That's why you should take time and be relaxed. That's also why we don't have to go to work for a while. Since most of my scenes are with you anyway, they said there wasn't a point."

"I get it, Ackles. I still need to go to work and so do you. I mean the fans love you. You have a crap ton of fan accounts on Instagram, Facebook, I mean a lot. Jared to. Pretty crazy really. I've never seen so many people like anyone that much until now." You had closed your eyes and your head was leaned onto the back of the couch. You didn't open them until you felt the spot next to you sink as if someone was sitting next to you. You open your eyes and look over to see Jensen looking at his hands. 

"What's up, Jay?"

"Did you mean it?"

"Mean what? That I was hungry. Hell yes."

"No. No. Before you passed out. Did you mean it?"

"I don't really remember anything Jensen."

"You remember that though. Don't you? I mean you have to remember."

"Yes, Jay. I meant it."

"Jensen you in there?" You both look at the door after hearing Jared yell through it.

"Yeah man hold on a second." He looks back at you before standing up to open the door.

"Is she still asleep? Has she woken up? Jensen are you? Are you crying? Did something happen?"

"Jared I think he needs a little space." You hear Misha come into the conversation.

"Sorry, Jay." You hear Jared set something down and you hop off the couch and run to see the pizza sitting on the counter. You smile and you look over at Jared and Misha to see their shocked faces. 

"Hey, guys."

"(Y/N)!" They walk up and hug you and through the hug you see Jensen. You could tell he was hurt. By what? you had no idea. You had to talk to him though. You needed to talk to him.

"Thank you guys for bringing the pizza. How about you come over later for dinner. I'll cook. Or we can go to Jared's house since it's bigger. I don't want you to be late getting back to set."

"I agree. I will plan and invite a few more people from the crew. See you guys later." Jared looks back at you one more time before closing the door.

"Jensen you should sit down. We should talk and eat. Go sit on the couch I'm going to grab some plates." He nods and walks towards the couch and plops down. You grab the plates and this pizza along with a couple beers and you take a seat next to him handing him a plate and opening the box and grabbing a slice.

"What do you want to know? Or say?" You look at Jensen and wait for him to answer.

"I'm sorry."

"For what? Jay, you have nothing to be sorry about. You shouldn't be sorry about anything. I don't want you to think you have to be sorry about anything."

I'm sorry...               (Jared PadaleckiXReader)Where stories live. Discover now