Castiel comes out of the panic room, fixing his sleeve. "His soul is intact," he says.

"Is he ever gonna wake up?" Dean asks. I'm scared of Castiel's answer, I hold my breath.

"Most likely, no," Castiel replies. I feel my heart shatter, and my stomach drops. I knew that this wouldn't be good -- now Sam is probably never gonna wake up, and to think that this was just because Dean wanted his little brother back.

"Oh, well don't sugar coat it, Cas," Dean says with a tone of annoyance.

"I'm sorry, Dean. I warned you not to put his soul back inside him."

"Then what was I supposed to do? Let the robot walk around and hope he doesn't kill anyone?!" Dean yells.

"When I touched his soul, it felt like it had been skinned alive. Dean, if you wanted to kill your brother, you should've done it outright," Castiel growls. He disappears without another word. Dean rubs a hand to his temple, and leaves me downstairs. I decide to take my seat next to Sam's bed after closing the door to the panic room behind me.

I take hold of Sam's hand again and I start crying. "Hey, Sam," I start, "I'm not sure if you can hear me -- I really doubt that you can, considering you're still asleep and all -- but I'm gonna talk anyway, so you don't really have to listen to me either way," I take a deep breath and collect myself before I continue talking, "You're not gonna remember any of this, you probably still think that I'm mad at you, and you probably think that I hate you. I don't. I love you, I love you so much that it hurts. I was stupid to just take you for granted, you were like putty in my hands and I let you go. Things will never be the same again, there's no way that I want you to remember, it'll break down that wall and I can't let that happen to you. I tried as hard as I could to stop them from doing this, but they were stronger, they were more prepared. I'm sorry," I start crying again," I am sorry for everything I've done," I say through sobs. I clutch his hand tightly and he starts to stir, and I feel him squeeze my hand back. I look up and Sam's eyes are open, I'm the first person he gets to see and I look like a hot mess.

He sits up, he's confused as to why I'm crying, but I just stare at him in disbelief. "Olivia," it brings butterflies to my stomach, the first thing that he says is my name. The tears keep streaming down my face, but these are tears of happiness. I wrap my arms around Sam and I hold him close, he brings his arms around my waist and he buries his head into my shoulder.

I sit there with Sam holding me, "I missed you so much," I say to him through my muffled sobs. We pull away from each other, he wipes the tears off of my face, and he smiles at me. I smile back, this moment is so much more perfect than I imagined it to be.

"I missed you too...I think," Sam replies. A small chuckle escapes me. At that moment, we don't say anything, we just look at each other. I want to kiss Sam, but I'm afraid that it might trigger flashbacks, somehow it might tear down the wall.

Sam looks down at our hands, my fingers still laced in his. My cheeks flush and I quickly pull away, I can feel Sam looking at me while I look down at the floor. "I'm so glad you're okay," he says. If only he really knew...

He grabs hold of my hand and presses his lips to my cheek, and we decide to head back upstairs. Sam sees Dean and he lets go of my hand, "Dean," he calls out softly. Dean turns around and him and my dad both widen their eyes in surprise as they see Sam standing in the kitchen next to me. Sam walks toward Dean and wraps his arms around Dean, and he does the same thing to my dad.

"It's good to see you," dad says.

"Wait! I- I saw you, I felt Lucifer snap your neck!" Sam replies breathlessly.

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