Chapter 12: Security Measures and Interuptions

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"The shrapnel managed to be deflected by the armor, but I still am grounding you for a few days. You have been taking a hammering and we still don't know what long term effects those implants may have on your overall."

Shepard sat on the edge of the exam table with her legs dangling. She knew arguing with Karen would get her nowhere. Besides, with the unfolding of information on Sur'kesh she would need to focus on the diplomatic side of things for a bit.

"Is that all?" It was all she could think to say so she could leave. She heard no verbal response, but she did hear a the door lock engage. The room was soundproof anyway, but the lock was a final privacy measure. Shepard looked up at Karen, watching her sit down and lean back in her chair, hands folded over her stomach.

"Commander, I'm speaking as a friend and a doctor. You are under far too much stress. Yes, I know what you are dealing with, but you still need to find downtime. Say no to some things. Hackett is under some impression that you are the only one capable of handling every cat up a tree in the galaxy while still saving the same said galaxy and handling everything that comes across his desk. Tell him you will handle it then send another team out. James is more than capable of handling some of the minor missions. It will build him back up and give him confidence again. Give some of the diplomatic duties to Liara. Let her deal with the minor issues like meetings and correspondence. Spend some time with Garrus. Let him be your protector for awhile. I'm sure he know what?"

Jane looked up at Karen as the doctor stood up. "Karen?!? Karen what are you...where are you going?"

Jane quickly began following Karen, who was moving at a determined and brisk pace to the main battery. She left after Karen so fast she didn't slip back on her boots or her jacket. There she was the great Commander Shepard chasing after a doctor, through the mess hall, in her tank top and fatigue Lovely.

The doors to the main battery opened and Garrus looked up from his calibrations. He looked behind Chakwas to Jane. An amused look crossed his face. He turned and crossed his arms, leaning on the console.

"To what do I owe this intrusion? Has she been a bad girl? Do we need to hold her down to take her medicine?" The amusement could be heard throughout the room. Shepard wasn't amused. She was standing barefoot in the doorway, arms crossed, lips pursed, hair in a messy bun that was dangling just over her shoulders with black strands seeping out of the hair tie. Garrus had to resist the urge to push the good doctor from the room and show Jane just how much he had missed her.

Chakwas smiled at Garrus. "Garrus, I'm giving you some new duties. Namely, her." She pointed at Jane making Jane's jaw drop and her finger point at herself.


"Yes, Commander. You." Karen turned to Garrus.

"Garrus, the Commander is to have at least 4 hours a day of undisturbed time. Liara will be handling the correspondence and basic diplomatic duties. James will be leading teams to smaller missions requested by Hackett. The commander is to only handle negotiations and issues on the Citadel dealing with this war and her directly. You are to make sure she rests, takes time for herself, and handles only the issues that must deal with her. Do you understand? Also, you need to be with her 24/7 to ensure of this. That's a medical order Vakarian."

Garrus was chuckling at this point and nodding. He couldn't get a word in over his own laughter. Then he heard the last order and processed it. He stopped laughing and looked at Karen a bit shocked and then to Shepard who was now smirking at him.

"You were saying big guy?"

Garrus looked back at Karen. Karen just smiled. "Oh don't look so surprised. Everyone knows. Bets are being taken on you two for heaven sake. Now, I'm going back to the clinic. Shepard come clear your things from my floor would you?"

Karen was gone as quickly as she had come in, leaving the couple staring at each other in the dark battery.

Garrus moved to Jane and pulled her to him, turning them slightly so Jane's back was against the console. He reached up and moved a strand of her hair out of the way.

"So, 24/7 duty protecting the Commander of the Normandy, saviour of the galaxy, the great Shepard. I think I like that. So, does this job come with any perks?"

Jane put her arms around the turians neck and smiled up at him. "Oh yeah, plenty of them. I think you even get a medal of some kind. Big ceremony and everything."

Garrus had a flash come across his face. "I'm counting on it."

He leaned in and kissed her gently. He had only intended to kiss her for a moment and then begin gathering some of this things to go on his new medical and protective duties guarding Shepard. It didn't work out that way. His kiss prompted Shepard to move in closer to him. Her kiss deepening and becoming more hungry with every passing second.

She gently licked at him until he opened his mouth slightly to her. Her tongue gliding across his making him grown into her mouth. He dug his talons into her hips.

"Jane..." It came out guttural, husky, full of need.

She made a slight hop and he was right there with her, grabbing her and lifting her onto the console. She could hear datapads and other items fall to the floor. A year ago she would have been terrified that the crew would have heard. Now, all she cared about was getting the rest of her clothing off and feeling Garrus against her. It had been too long.

Garrus had the same idea as he started pulling on Jane's clothing. His mouth moving to her neck, nipping and sucking. His fingers tangled with hers at points trying to get them both unclothed as soon as possible. They both chuckled a bit when neither of them could seem to work clasps and buckles.

Jane's legs went around him when she felt a talon glide across her nipples, moving down to her core. She grabbed onto him and began to rock against the hand that was manipulating her body under her pants and over her panties. She took in a deep breath and caught the whiff of sandalwood, the same sandalwood he gave her. Her hips bucked and that was all it took.

He reached down and laid her back on the console. His hand reached for his pants buckle and began to work it as his mouth found her nipple and sucked slightly.

"Commander! We got a distress signal from Grissom Academy. It's urgent." Joker's voice might as well have been a krogan recon truck for all the damage it did at ruining the moment.

She could feel Garrus slump and sigh against her body. Yet, it was him that spoke first.

"Joker! Send it to James, he can handle it. Tell him to report back. He can choose his team. That's per Ja...Shepards orders."

He was trying to hold it together. His fingers still working Jane slowly. His body pressed against her as he laid soft kisses on her neck and chest. His mouth moving to hers to capture her one more time. He knew they'd get called out on this. He was just trying to buy time.

"Can't big guy sorry. Cerberus is there. Anderson asked for Shep to handle this personally. As a favor to him."

Jane smiled and kissed Garrus softly. "ETA 10 minutes out Joker. Vakarian and Vega will go with me. Notify Vega."

Garrus slowly let her down off the console as he growled in disapproval. She laughed and kissed his neck making him tremble. He wondered if she knew where she kissed was the exact spot for a bond mark.

"Come on..."

"That's what I was trying to do." He was smirking and Jane rolled her eyes as she started to laugh.

"You're dirty Vakarian."

He smiled and adjusted his pants. "Good, you can clean me up when we get back."

"It's a deal." She started to leave the battery after fixing her clothing. "Besides, someone has to show you how to use the new dual jet shower in my quarters."

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