Chapter 21: Cures, Rest, and High Commands

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Shepard stood in front of the vidcom waiting on Hackett to walk into view. She had cried it out, showered, and put her military face back on. It only took a few minutes for Hackett to show up.

"Hell of a thing you just pulled off Commander. Curing the genophage? I never thought I'd see the day." Hackett shook his head with leftover shock and disbelief.

They spoke for a few more minutes. Jane letting him know that the cost of the Salarians was too high. She turned at the end of the conversation and began her walk back into the war room. Victus and Garrus were waiting on her.

They discussed Turian military support and krogan assistance.

"May the spirits watch over us all." Victus turned to go handle some final arrangements from the Normandy and decide where to set up a base camp for the Turians.

"Shepard, you must be exhausted. Losing Mordin. It' can't be easy. Get some sleep." Garrus looked worried. He had talked to Joker and Adrian already. On his way to the war room the good doctor caught up to him too. Everyone felt that if they couldn't convince Shepard to rest, he could. It was his new job after all.

"I'll sleep when I'm dead." She was leaned over the war room console. Garrus could actually see the lines on her face, the matching luggage picking up under her eyes from lack of full rest. He looked around to see if anyone was in ear shot or watching. When he confirmed no one was, he grabbed her elbow and leaned into her ear.

"Jane please. Don't make me carry you out of here. Remember, I still have my cuffs from C-sec."

She looked at his eyes and glanced down to his free hand that was tapping a spot on his armor.

"Oh for the love still carry them with you?!?" She rolled her eyes.

He nodded, smiling. "You see, I have this commander that I am supposed to be guarding. Real tricky sort. Have to be on my toes as it were. Now, go get some rest. We'll get you if anything comes up. I know where you sleep."

She sighed. "If you insist."

The sleep wasn't as restful as she had hoped it would be. She had another nightmare. That little boy again, voices from the past, and some park that she remembered but couldn't place. She sat up with a gasp and looked around the room. All she saw next to her was a note from Garrus.

"I'll be back later. Working with Engineer Adams on some upgrades. Coffee is in your thermos. Love G."

She smiled softly, wishing he was there, but understanding. She had started washing her face when she heard the door slide open. A few minutes later she heard Liara. Shepard told her how she was missing Ashley and they joked for a bit.

As she came out she saw Liara standing next to the bed, glancing at the note that Garrus had left. There was a smile on her face as Shepard moved a data pad on her task and looked at her friend.

"What Liara?"

Liara smiled and began looking around the room. Most of the room looked like nothing had changed, but there were a few aspects that were evident two people were staying there. There were two wine glasses on the coffee table clearly left from the evening before. There was a rifle being worked on sitting on the workbench. A second armor locker was set up. There was an extra pillow on the bed. It was little things.

"I would make a bet that if I went into the bathroom I'd find turian products in there. Am I right?"

Liara crossed her arms and smiled a bit at Jane's blush. "Did you stop by to talk about old times and critique my cabin items or was there something else?"

"Actually yes. I received a communication from the Asari High Command. There is an issue. Commandos were sent in and haven't been heard back from. They are asking us to check it out."

Shepard nodded and put the datapad she was holding down. LIara showed her where the commandos went. "Okay. We can go there before going to the Citadel to refuel and restock."

"Thank you Shepard." Liara turned as Shepard began to walk out of the cabin. They stepped into the lift and Jane felt Liara's fingers touch her collar and move it up just a bit.

Shepard turned her head and Liara smiled. "I could say that I was adjusting your uniform, but we will both know that Jack was right about your likes."

Shepard shook her head as they both fell into laughter.

Shepard left the lift at the CIC and headed for the cockpit. She walked up on Joker and Garrus sharing jokes. Leaning against the entry into the cockpot, she stood and listened. It was the moments like this she liked to burn in her memory. The battles eventually blended together. The victories would always be remembered. The losses too. It was these moments that she would remember years from now.

When the jokes were finished, Joker turned around in his chair. "I'm sorry about Mordin."

Jane felt the sting of that loss again and nodded. They spoke for a few minutes. "Joker we need to head toward the point Liara just put on the map. Asari high command has requested our help. Give me an ETA as soon as you can."

She turned and Garrus fell in beside her. After discussing Mordin and the Salarian offer, Shepard took a deep sigh.

"What's bothering you?" Garrus' voice was deep as always but there was a concern and exhaustion in it. For all the she had on her shoulders, he had an equal amount. He hadn't said it. They hadn't talked about it. She knew though, from the few things she had heard and seen on his datapads, he was next in line for Primarch. If something happened to Adrian...well it was a lot to think about. It was starting to show.

"Asari high command wants our help. They sent commandos in on a mission. No word from them. Liara will want to go on this one. Garrus, I don't think it has truly hit her yet what this war can do. She knows what is going on, but I don't think how bad it really is has hit her. Hell Garrus, I don't even know what we are walking into with this."

Garrus nodded and leaned back against the wall. He had started to be less concerned about military appearance and protocol lately, or maybe he just didn't give a damn anymore with all the hell that was raining down on them. She had to admit, he wasn't the only one. A lot of crew members were more relaxed as far as how they handled themselves lately, and frankly Jane didn't mind.

"So, where are we going after we do this for the Asari?"

"Why Vakarian? You have something in mind?" Shepard smiled and stepped back crossing her arms.

"Me? Noooo. I mean I did have that discount at Azure but..." He said it with such a straight expression it made Shepard laugh a little louder than she had intended to.

"Azure huh? Hmm, that's tempting. But..."

"There's always a but..." He interjected.

"But.... we are going to the Citadel after this. I have to meet with Udina, check on some supplies, and meet with Miranda."

Garrus looked shocked. "Miranda? I take it this is a very covert meet-up?"

Shepard nodded.

"Well, keep me posted. I'm heading to the main battery. We had some problems with the forward guns outside of Tuchanka. I want to make sure everything is running smoothly in case we run into something."

Shepard nodded and took a deep breath, moving her head from side to side to pop her tense neck. This was going to be difficult if they were walking into what she thought. Poor Liara.

Fire on the HorizonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora