Act Two: Scene Four

Start from the beginning

Sidon nods his head

Bazz: Well hey at least you're happy right? That's all Rivan and I want. We even trying to look after you and your special someone.

Sidon: You guys don't have to that, I'm playing it very carful as I can. Besides I'm expecting visitors to meet us today.

Bazz: Oh that's wonderful news don't you think Rivan? Rivan? Rivan are you okay?

Sidon: Earth to Rivan. Come back to the real world.

Bazz: Yeah I think we accidentally broke him. Man he's out. Look at him he is not moving, not talking or anything. I don't think he'll come down from la la land.

Sidon: I kind of figured that we broke him. He'll come back down when he's ready.

Bazz: Are you sure?

Sidon: Yes I've seen him do this before.

Bazz: Wait what?

Sidon: Yeah it doesn't take long for him to snap out of it.

Bazz: I hope so. He looks like he can do this for minutes or hours at a time. Dude we have to help him. If we take him home his parents will kill us. Help me wake him up please.

Rivan: What did I miss?

Bazz: Where gonna have people visit our side of the map.

Rivan: Oh really? Huh we never have visitors come here before. What time did they say they're coming?

Bazz: I don't know. Sidon said that they're coming this way and they should be here anytime soon. Now be yourself and let the good times roll.

Sidon: Here they come!

Impa and Paya comes wearing glasses and a coat in with a huge group of Zoras taking their pictures.

Bazz: Good to see you both ladies.

Impa: Paya.

Paya: Yes my lady?

Impa: Could you please give me the fan?

Bazz: Good idea. So that way these people can slow down with the pictures. Come on ladies we'll take you to the quiet part of town.

Sidon, Rivan, and Bazz escorted them to Soh Kofi Park.

Bazz: We are so sorry about that. This is the only place we know that no one will bother us while we're talking.

Impa: What happened in here?

Bazz: Well that's kind of a long story, let's just say that every since "that day" every single Zora is scared to come here except for us.

Impa: I can see that. So which one of you asked for my lady Link's message?

Sidon: Who exactly are you looking for my sweet lady?

Impa: I'm looking for a guy who stole my Link's first kiss. And to talk over how they're going to be married so which one of you is young Sidon?

Sidon: I see. So you never met him in person yet?

Impa: Unfortunately so. To make it worse Donlo has been trying to find him for some crazy reason. But I'm not here to talk about violence, it never solves anybody's problem.

Sidon: Is he really? I don't see how Donlo do it to pick fights everyday.

Impa: Some say he has anger management problems.

Bazz: Anger management? I'm sorry to butt myself into this conversation but, he has so much more than that!

Impa: If you are Sidon you should be more respectful than that. Besides my Link is Donlo's first cousin and you should really watch what you say.

Rivan: My goodness look at the time we got to go home. He starts dragging Bazz away by the back of Bazz's shirt Come along Bazz we need to go.

Bazz: B-But we didn't finish out tour for these ladies!

Sidon: I can take care of it from here. Bye Bazz and Rivan I'll catch up to you guys soon.

Bazz: You're no fun Rivan!
He starts to sing
If the sky that we look upon,
Should tumble and fall,
Or the mountains should crumble to the sea.
I won't cry, I won't cry, no, I won't shed a tear,
Just as long as you stand, stand by me.

Sidon: I met you guys at my house after this okay?

Bazz: Have a safe day ladies, we'll see you Sidon! He continues singing So darlin darlin stand by me! Oh stand by me! Oh stand! Stand by me! Stand by me!

Bazz was still getting dragged by Rivan as they were leaving the Park.

Impa: Farewell Gentlemen! They are such amazing people! Now where was I?

Sidon: You're here to speak with me my sweet lady. I understand your Link has sent you here. Could you please tell me what lovely Link said?

Impa: Oh yes, thank you for the compliment. Now lady Link has informed me that you plan to keep her all to yourself as your wife. I hope and pray you're not going to use her to your advantage.

Paya: Now lady Impa. No man has ever use Link like that. I can tell in this young man's eyes that he is quite serious of keeping Link as happy as she can be.

Impa: That is true. I saw that same thing as well. But I'm only going to say this once Sidon. If I find out that you break my Link's heart. I will break you.

Sidon: He's face turns pale Y-yes my sweet lady. Please take me to her.

Impa: I wish I could. But she has of guests visiting her at the moment. If I take you there now, you're as good as dead!

Sidon: Yes my lady.

Impa: I must wait until all of her guests is gone before I tell her.

Sidon: Please be sure to tell her that I want to meet her with Bolson so that he could marry us this afternoon. This is for your gas to come all the way here.

Impa: Child! There's really no need to give this to me.

Sidon: I insist.

Impa: This afternoon huh? Link will be there.

Sidon: He kisses Impa on both cheeks Thank you! Thank you! Your the best thing that Link could ever have!

Impa: Thank you.

Sidon: My dear lady you are a saint!

Impa: I wonder.. What is your secret to have all the ladies respect you so easily?

Sidon: To be the perfect gentleman of course.

Impa: Well we better be going. We can't afford more people find us here.

Sidon: Yes of course. I must leave too.

Impa: It was nice to finally meet you dear sir.

Sidon: He kisses Impa's hand Likewise my lady.

Impa: You are very kind.

Sidon leaves


Paya: Yes my lady?

Please give me my fan. And also please go ahead of me so you could cover my face.

They leave to go back Rhoam's home

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