Chapter 13 *last chapter*

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Dear Carrie!

I'm writing this because I found Luke's letters. I'm really sorry for what I'm about to write but Luke did a horrible thing. Which seemed so right for him. 

Last week he came to Lily and he told her she was the one for him just so he didn't see it. He kissed her and you could see sparkles between them, but then again they will never have what you and I had.

So they left together, and when I saw Luke next day he was all happy and I knwe what they did that night. But I also knew what his words meant when he looked in my eyes and said:

"Last night was something I always dreamed of, when two people connect like that it feels amazing and I know she's the one for me and I know you'll understand this because you had Carrie and now I have Lily and I love her so much. But thanks for being my friend and have a nice day see you tomorrow. Bye!"

But I knew he wasn't going to see me next day or any other day after that. 

It was his good bye. Weird just like Luke. But he was always the good person and well he didn't finish this letter so I am going to finish what he started.

"Carrie thank you for being my friend and thank you for caring about me and thank you for being you. But I have to move on. I've been writing you for a long time and only now I realized you were here all along. In my heart. Now when I found Lily I have two angels, one with wings named Carrie and an angel with no wings named Lily. I will love you forever, see you up there sister. Love, Luke. ☺♥"

He didn't put it in an envelope and I found it here. Well I think you deserve to know that .. 

Luke took a blazor that night and he cut 11 times. Which if I spell you meand :


I'm so sorry, but he didn't left because of that. Lily found him and took him to the hospital. And he came home again and she went to her home.

And then one day he didn't respond to her knocking so she called me and we got in threw the window. And we found him laying on the floor with pills in his hand.

He had no heart beat and there was something written on the wall. "YOU ARE MY ANGEL"

I think he was talking about you. Lily or Lilia like he called her is still shattered and I wish she didn't have to go threw it. I know how she feels that's why I offered her help. 

Carrie I will forever and always love you till infinity and beyond, with you or without you you're in my heart. And so is Luke. Now you two are together like you were meant to be.

Fans made lots of signs and twitter is full beautiful thoughts for our new angel. Take care of him Carrie!

Forever yours and yours only, Ashton xoxo


Dear Luke! 

I can't believe what you did. I thought you and I will have fun and be happy. But you go and do that! You promised you will stay with me!

That night when our bodies became one and you promised you won't leave me, you promised!

But you left me. And not just me. You left someone else too.

Yes that's right, I'm pregnant. 

I'm keeping the baby. I hope it will be a boy and look like you.

I love you Luke and I'm hurt that you left but if it made you feel better then I can't really judge you.

Ashton said he will help me with the baby, but we are just a pair of kids. My mum kicked me out because I got pregnant, I live in your apartment now. It still has the smell of your parfume and your clothes still lay there. Your pictures on the walls. Everything is like you are with me. And I'm not alone.

I hope you find your peace up there. 

R.I.P the love of my life.

Your one and only and forever loyal to you, Lilia. xx



Dear Luke!

It's me again.

I had a baby, it's a boy! He looks jsut like you!

Your nose, your eyes, your blond hair.

He is little Luke and that's why I named him after you. 

But I had twins! The girl is called Carrie, because I know you would want that if you were here.

I still don't judge you and Ashton gave me those letters and I finally understand why you did this.

But I also know you didn't mean to hurt me.

I forgive you Luke. And I will tell our babies when they grow up what a great person you were!

Don't forget about me Luke, cause I'll never forget you.

Your still one and only girlfriend that loves you so much, Lilia Hemmings. ♥

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