Chapter 11

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Dear Carrie!

I'm home again. Yay. It's been a week now since I wrote you.

I actually had a nice time at my aunt. I played with the kids. Emma and George, they liked me a lot.

We are playing gigs now! It's so great, and we write new songs all the time. Our band is growing and so is our fandom.

I told Ashton everything and he said I should give Lily a chance, what do you think? I think I will actually do it. 

Oh and this most amazing thing happend too. WE GOT OUR FIRST BIG PAYMENT FOR A GIG !!

I'm so excited. And my mum found a new boyfriend. He seems okay, I guess.

I was talking you about the song I wrote right? Well it's now our official song ! All thoug we did kinda remake it because it was too much just mine.

Well I have a part-time summer job now too. I work in a DVD shop. Customers, mostly young girls, always ask me to sign the CD's they buy. From our group of course. And we take pictures, and I have a lot of fun.

But more big we grow it's harder to keep things private. They already think I have a girlfriend and I had to explain to every single papparazi that I and Lily are just friends. But hey you never know, maybe one day all this girlfriend-boyfriend drama will be real. ;) 

I miss you so so much. Hope you're doing fine up there.

 But I need to leave you now because it's Ashton's birthday today, but like you don't already know it!

I bought him some cute shirts and that. He still loves you Carrie, more than anyone.

I love you too, but like a best friend! You are my sunshine now shining from up there.

Miss you Carrie.

                                                          Lots of love,

                                                                        your one and only best friend Lukey xx

Angel with no wingsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ