heart eyes♡dallon♡

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Running into ryan again wasn't fun but Dallon couldn't do much about it. " hey, Dall, I'm so fuckin sorry for being a dick to you. I really hope you except this apology and we can build this friendship up again." Ryan said anxiously. " I dont know, but maybe, you've been my friend for so long and I want to be friend, but i kinda want us to be more th-" dallon was interrupted by a a jock yelling "fag!" At the 2 boys. " hey jock!, try sucking dick, you might like it more that that pussy you cringe at!" Ryan yelled back as dallon started giggling a little at the childish comment. "Anyway, you were saying?", as dallon was about to explain that he might have a small crush on him, and it might have broken him that ryan was being a dick to him, the bell rang cutting the conversation short.

I'm so sorry for not updating this book for a long time, I was really sidetracked by other stuff to focus on this book. Anyway, here you go rats :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2018 ⏰

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