"She still acts like a child at time which is why no one really gives her respect. That's why I'm glad I have a sophisticated wife." I stated.

"Yes and I have a completely weird husband." She joked.

"I'm not weird just in love." I felt my cheeks turn somewhat red.

"I can tell." She chuckled. I pressed my finger a little more into her hip. She began to blush. I chuckled now.

"Everyone!" Druitt announced. I led her off to the side. Ciel came over.

"Why are we even here?" He asked.

"Now I've called you all here-" Lau gave us a look. "Come on." I told her, we stepped out.

"What's up?" She asked.

"I don't know but Druitt has something up his sleeve." I said. Lau came out,

"it seems he's turned this into something else when it was intended for a charity event." He explained.

"Good to know. Let's go." I said.

"So Druitt is going back to that like once past time." Ciel said.

"You had to dress up as a girl." Y/n made fun of.

"Shut up! It wasn't my choice!" He shot back.

"When did you dress up as a girl?" Lizzy asked.

"Let's go." Ciel said. We left.

"Druitt can't ever forget his old ways." I told her.

"When has he ever?" She smiled. I touched her forehead.

"At least you were able to last a little." I smiled. We arrived, I carried her out.

"She's already sick?" Ciel asked.


"I don't know how." I said.

"I'm fine." Y/n mumbled.

"No your not." I said as Claude opened the door.

"Y/n." Soma yelled coming down the steps. I put her down.

"Soma." She tried going to his embrace. She almost fell.

"You're not well." I caught her.

"Get her to bed. I'll see who I can get here." Ciel said.

"Ciel. I want to spend time with you." Lizzy told him.

"Never fear Grell's Here!!" He yelled trying to jump in Sebastian's arms. Sebastian moved. He landed face first.


"Lizzy not now."

"I'll try and call someone sophisticated." Ciel joked.

"What's wrong with me!" Grell yelled. "You're Grell." Y/n and I said. Ciel and Sebastian went off,

"This is your fault!" Lizzy huffed.

"Don't get me started bitch. Just cause he left don't mean I can't hit you. Just cause he's your fiancé don't mean you can be tough and mighty." I told her.

"Let's get her up." Grell said.

We took her to her room. Delilah undressed her in the bathroom while we waited. Well they waited- I had to help Delilah. Then we put her in bed.

"Undertaker is on his way." Ciel said coming in.

Undertaker's p.o.v
I arrived with the medicine.

"I don't know why everyone pays attention to her." Lizzy said opening the door for me.

"Well Lady Elizabeth, she's not a lady but a Madame. Loyal to the Queen and we can't bear to lose another Madame. Since we lost Madam Red." I explained.

"Humph." She walked off. I went up.

"I brought medicine." I giggled. I mixed it then gave it to her.

"Lord Ciel. A word." I smiled. He followed me out.

"Your woman has some anger issues. Might want to talk to her." I said.

"What did she do?" He asked.

"Go ask her." I smiled going back In as he went to find her.

"Well how was the party?" I asked.

"Yeah. You are awfully early." Soma said.

"Druitt was just trying to turn it into something else." Alois said.

"Of course he was, it's him." Grell said.

"So Lau told you so you all could leave?" I asked.

"Yeah. Since he saw Druitt trying to get handsy with Y/n." Alois said.

"Well what do you expect from Druitt?" Soma asked.

"Enough about Druitt. How'd she get like this?" I asked.

"We were in the carriage and then she just felt hot when I touched sooooo." Alois said.

Lizzy's p.o.v
Ciel just won't pay attention to me. He's trying to know what wrong but him worried about her is what's wrong.

"Just go take care of her." I said.

"Well I want to know what's wrong since I don't want you to hold a grudge." He said.

"Just leave me alone." I said walking into our room.

"Lizzy talk to me." He said.

"I don't understand why you have to take care of her!" I tried opening up but Mey-rin came in since I told her I was ready for bed.

"We can't afford to loose another person loyal to the queen." He said.

"But what am I?" I asked.

"Lizzy she won't accept you since you're too kind hearted for any of the work." He said.

"What's wrong with kind hearted?" I asked.

"I never wanted to tell you but sometimes the queen sends us out to do things I'm not proud of. Which is why the people fear us." He said.

"What kind of things?" I asked.

"Lizzy. At times when I avoid you it's because I can't bare you to find out by one of my slip ups what I had done. Which is why we try to keep her alive. Her now having a son as well. She's always a target to get killed just like me and the others which is why I prefer to help and also make sure you don't know so they don't have a reason to come after u." He said.

"What do you do?" I asked.

"Sometimes I'm forced to kill. Other things and sometimes they can put me in a bad spot just like her and one of us could end up killed which is why our staff when we have it is top skilled." He explained.

"I still don't like her." I said.

"I know you really don't just-"

"Ciel. I need help with something since no one else will." Alois said opening the door.

"Suck up." Ciel said.

"Shut up! Claude wouldn't even help me." He said.

"Awww you want to be my friend?" Ciel joked.

"See. Her family is what I have to deal with." I said.

"Lizzy. I'll spend time with you tomorrow. I need to do whatever the hell he wants." He said.

"It's not even for me. Y/n needs it." Alois said.

"Always damn her. Stupid bitch."

"What'd you say?" Alois asked.

"Let's go take care of what we need to." Ciel said.

"I'll show you. You-"

"Hey!" Ciel hit his head.

"Ciel!" He yelled. They both ran off.

"Lady Elizabeth are u sleeping or-"

"Sleeping." I stated. She got my stuff ready. I got changed then straight to bed.


Fluffy~Senpai Out! ~Nya~

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